tables » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
tables – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Wood Artist Jack Lebond Creates Fantastic Grenade End Tables

It’s a classy and elegant look that shows your houseguests or new romantic partners what they’re getting into. Etsy seller Jack Lebond of Austin makes these 18 and 24 inch tall tables out of plywood. They’re unfinished, so you can paint them however you like. I suggest bright pastels for the children’s bedrooms. Continue reading »

These New Lagoona Tables By The Designer Alexandre Chapelin Look Like A Piece Of The Ocean

Alexandre Chapelin (previously featured) is the artist that has created the tables that provide you a dazzling blue by offering you a sample of the sea in levitation, in your home. And he lives in St. Martin. Unfortunately, the island of St. Martin was hit by the biggest hurricane ever recorded by scientists. Indeed, a category 7 hurricane with winds of more than 400 km/h. Continue reading »

Functional Mixtape Coffee Tables


Catering to musicians and music lovers alike, Los Angeles-based company TAYBLES has created a functional piece of furniture that also acts as a nostalgic throwback to the time of homemade mixtapes. The trio of artists behind the company produces cassette tape coffee tables, each work crafted from hardwood and sealed with clear epoxy. Every table also comes with a classic cassette label affixed to the top, and LED lights hidden within the center of the mixtape’s holes. Continue reading »

Clever Tables That Create An Illusion Animals Are Emerging From Water


Looking to spice up your living room with a unique piece of furniture? A coffee table portraying a floating animal by Derek Pearce should do the trick. Derek Pearce is a man with one unique vision. Called ‘Water Tables’, he creates stunning coffee tables that portray animals “floating through water”. From hippos to dolphins to ducks – he designs the tables so the animals would be plunging in and out of the glass, which represents the water’s surface. The result is truly amazing! Continue reading »

New Handmade Lagoon Tables Made From Resin And Cut Travertine Marble


Can’t wait to leave everything behind and go on your dream vacation? Before we offer you quick time travel tips let’s consider if maybe there is a way to bring that dream destination to your living room instead? Continue reading »

Cat Socks For Tables And Chairs That Protect Your Floor


Behold, possibly the most awesome and useful pair of socks you could possibly give to someone. These Nekoashi chair socks, by Japanese design company Toyo Case, fit on the ends of spindly chair legs or any other furniture bits that you want to stop from scratching your floor. Your furniture will now also look adorable to boot! Continue reading »

Tables By Olze & Wilkens

The Berlin & Freiburg-based duo deftly translates the scale of the lightly stained woodgrain to create the winsome scenes. From swimsuit-clad sunbathers on a sparsely populated beach to cabins against a backdrop of fresh snow, it takes just a couple well-placed elements, digitally printed on plywood, to suggest an aerial image on the otherwise unassuming tabletop. Continue reading »

Art Tables by {enclv}

The {enclv} is a brand that focuses on re-designing things. Art{enclv} is a store with stuff designed by artists. Behind this name hides a group of young enthusiasts – we want to create, inspire and appear in your surroundings!

The art{enclv} is a platform for artists: illustrators, graphic designers, drawers & all creative individuals who would like their projects to become real. We want to spread the idea of creative decorating of furniture (and other obejcts).

By decorating we understand everything connected with design and original projects for ordinary objects which can become something extraordinary. You’ll ask “is that upcycling?” – let’s say it is a sort of creative re-using things.

“Candy Dots”, graphics: PJ Blue
Sweet candy dots on the blue print. It’s maybe sweet, but it’s also plain & minimalist. Continue reading »