trends – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Retro Studio Portrait Photos Show What Men’s Hairstyles Looked Like in the 1970s

1970s Mens Hairstyles 1

Men’s hairstyles in the 1970s showcased a wide variety of trends, ranging from long, flowing hair to shorter, more refined cuts. Continue reading »

Uncovering the Tech Hype Graveyard: Examining the Causes of Failed Next-Big-Things


Technology, as we know it, is changing at a rapid pace. We upgrade our phones and laptops so often that it’s increasingly difficult to keep up. The most recent innovation is Chat GPT, which has wowed people with its natural speech and vast knowledge. But are these advances truly revolutionary and will they stick around? Continue reading »

“People Of The Twenty-First Century”: Photographer Spent 20 Years Documenting Fashion Trends Worn By People Around The World

“For close to a quarter century now, Hans Eijkelboom has been taking to the shopping streets of countless cities around the world (Amsterdam, New York, Paris, Shanghai—and now also Athens and Kassel) to photographically record the dizzying sartorial diversity that is such a defining hallmark of global capitalism—a plethora of visual (“surface”) difference that, when viewed from the perspective of an artist interested in discerning patterns, i.e., repetition, inevitably results in a document of arresting sameness. Continue reading »

Vietjet Uses Its Provocative “Bikini Girls” To Buck International Trends To Get Attention In Vietnam

The hot and sexy models have always been the favorite of many Vietjet passengers, also becoming the media focus every year. Not only displaying their gorgeous looks, the models posed in different cabin crew and staff roles to showcase the airline’s high-quality friendly staff. Continue reading »

Pussy Riot Member Nadya Tolokonnikova for Trends Brands

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of Russian female punk-group Pussy Riot poses in promo photo shoots for the Russian fashion retailer Trends Brands. Continue reading »

9 Showcase Trends

While creating personal portfolio designers always facing with the question “How to present your my in unique way?”, and they choose their personal way that day to day become a trend in showcasing. Among the standard way of saving the artworks as full-bleed JPG images or making dull screen shots of a websites with a reflection effects, you can go to the realistic manners of showcasing calling to the tactile sense, not only to the visual. Designcollector has grouped common ways of showcasing that could be easily translated as the next trends.