Artist Reimagines Disney Characters As Famous Classical Paintings And Pop Culture References – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Reimagines Disney Characters As Famous Classical Paintings And Pop Culture References

Many of us know the most popular classical paintings—well, at least what they look like. Sadly, fewer know the names of the paintings and of the painters who created them. With this in mind, this artist decided he would do something to make people more interested in classic art.

Spanish graphic designer and illustrator Carlos Gromo’s idea to combine classic artwork with a thing that many people love—Disney. The artist takes well-known characters and places them into classic paintings. That way people can remember them better. Carlos also combines the characters with movies and other pop-culture references. The designer even takes the first concept designs of the Disney characters and redraws them to see how they would look if they were never changed.

More: Instagram, Etsy, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

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