The Intricate Concept Artworks and Imaginations of Ryan Gitter – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Intricate Concept Artworks and Imaginations of Ryan Gitter


Ryan Gitter is a Seattle-based concept artist known for his work on high-profile video games.

With a strong background in environmental and character design, he has contributed to popular titles such as *Destiny 2*, *Halo 4*, *Planetside 2*, and *Starhawk*. Currently, Gitter works as a concept artist for the game development studio Probably Monsters. His art emphasizes intricate world-building, often capturing complex sci-fi and fantasy environments and highly detailed character designs.

One of Gitter’s notable contributions was for the *Destiny 2* expansions *Curse of Osiris* and *Forsaken*, where he designed armor sets, weapons, and the striking Infinite Forest environments. His work on these projects showcases a style that combines realism with imaginative, otherworldly elements, which have resonated with fans and helped bring the game’s universe to life.

More: Ryan Gitter, Artstation

Ryan Gitter Asset
Ryan Gitter Characters Angi 2
Ryan Gitter Characters Dica
Ryan Gitter Characters First
Ryan Gitter Characters Lox
Ryan Gitter Characters Rob
Ryan Gitter Coreself 002
Ryan Gitter Darkforest 001
Ryan Gitter Darktree 001low
Ryan Gitter Desertcave Low 001
Ryan Gitter Desertshrine 002
Ryan Gitter Dontturnaround 01
Ryan Gitter Epicenter 001
Ryan Gitter Forest Ravine 002
Ryan Gitter Gate1 001low
Ryan Gitter Hawthorne Meeting
Ryan Gitter Hemel 001c
Ryan Gitter Hemel Sketches 006b
Ryan Gitter Herosgrove Sketch 005
Ryan Gitter Ke Vonport 002b
Ryan Gitter Lastcity 02
Ryan Gitter Lastcity 03
Ryan Gitter Mulgas 002lo
Ryan Gitter Mulgas 003lo
Ryan Gitter Narrowpass 003 Low
Ryan Gitter Orebos 002
Ryan Gitter Persona 002
Ryan Gitter Reality 001
Ryan Gitter Redtower 001d
Ryan Gitter Rgitter Boundlesscover 001
Ryan Gitter Ring 001
Ryan Gitter Ryangitter Theking 01
Ryan Gitter Source 001sml
Ryan Gitter Temple 002 Lo
Ryan Gitter Temple 006 Lowres
Ryan Gitter Thebordercrossing 001
Ryan Gitter Throneroom 002
Ryan Gitter Train 003
Ryan Gitter Weirdplanet 01
Ryan Gitter Winterfortress 001 Lo

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