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Spectacular Outstanding Shortlist Images From Astronomy Photographer Of The Year 2024

A Night with the Valkyries by Jose Miguel Picon Chimelis
Astronomy Photographer Of The Year 2024 Shortlists 01

The Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024 competition has united the world’s top astrophotographers, showcasing stunning cosmic images that highlight their exceptional skill and creativity. Continue reading »

Daredevil Photographer Traveled Around The World To Take Pictures Of Beautiful Abandoned Places


Dimitri Bourriau, a Paris-based architectural photographer, presents a series of unique masterpieces that beckon us to explore the mysterious and suggestive ambiance of neglected sites. Continue reading »

Artist Captures Shadows of the Forgotten American Landscapes in Stunning Realistic Paintings


Adam Normandin is a contemporary realist painter based in Los Angeles, well-known for his depictions of freight trains, graffiti, and the American landscape. His artistry delves into the unnoticed or overlooked details, exploring vacant spaces often found beyond the typical confines. Continue reading »

This Photographer Documents Abandoned NYC Subway Ads


Photographer Barton Lewis documents “wall cuts” (ad panels in the NYC subway) that people have torn and that have decayed, transforming them into artworks. Continue reading »

Europe’s Most Secret Collection of Classic Cars


In an astonishing spectacle, this motley parade of over 230 four-wheeled marvels belongs to a single magnificent collection, lovingly curated by Mr. Palmen across the span of more than four decades. Continue reading »

Photographer Discovered An Abandoned House In France Filled With ‘Demonic’ Dolls


Bryan Sansivero’s photography captures the beauty and melancholy of abandoned homes with his use of vivid colors and evocative imagery. Continue reading »

Multimillion-Dollar Supercars Abandoned in Sobering Renders


Never thought you’d see a Bugatti or Pagani left to rust? Neither did we. But that’s exactly what this set of sobering images shows. Continue reading »

Palermo Viejo: Photographer Captured Abandoned Vintage Cars in Italy


“Palermo Viejo” is a photography series by Brazilian Art Director Eduardo Fialho.

While studying advertising in Argentina, something caught Eduardo’s eye. he noticed many abandoned cars in the Palermo Viejo suburb, in Buenos Aires, and decided to document the beautiful decay of these neglected vintage cars. Continue reading »

Photographer Captures The Most Beautiful Abandoned Places Around The World

Greenhouse, France

French artist, Dimitri Bourriau “Jahz Design”, is a graduated graphic designer. He has always been interested in history and architectural remains. It was in 2013 when he developed his interest in the photography of heritage in disuse. His first exploration was an ancient cemetery of military ships. Today he travels the globe looking for places in decline. It draws our attention to our civilization in constant mutation to ephemeral memory. Continue reading »

Luxury and Decay: Atmospheric Abandoned Ruins in Photographs by Thomas Jorion


French photographer born in 1976, Thomas Jorion lives in Paris and travels the world to achieve his singular and timeless landscapes. Self-taught, he creates his photographs in natural light using an analogue large format 4×5 » camera. He captures places in ruins or abandoned, and allows us to rediscover and to imagine their past glory in a bygone era. Continue reading »

Photographer Captures Stunning Pictures Show The Decline Of The Church In Italy


Roman Robroek is a professional photographer from The Netherlands. He has a particular fondness for urban photography and has traveled worldwide to explore unique places filled with history, memories, and beauty. Whenever Roman would visit a new destination, he would often find himself looking into abandoned homes, empty buildings, and urban decay. Continue reading »

Beautiful Abandoned Fairy Tale House as the Quintessence of What’s Going On


Urban explorer Polina Reznik captures abandoned buildings and places in the depths of Russia. This beautiful old house somewhere far away from civilization reflects what is happening to us now: once this house was built with love, people lived in it, children laughed, but time passes, people die, leave the house, no one needs it anymore. It is still beautiful and you can live in it, but there is no one to live in it. And the house gradually dies. And no one will save it. Only a miracle. Continue reading »

Photographer Explores The Artefacts of Abandoned Former USSR Sites

A fountain at the former technical university in Gyumri, Armenia.

Relics of the Soviet conquest of space, Moscow Pioneer camps, remnants of propaganda along a journey sparsely dotted with statues of Stalin or Lenin, from traditional Moldovan houses to ghosts of the Caucasian wars, by way of petro-chemical factories in the Donbass… Continue reading »

Wonderland Abandoned: The Swift Fall of “Europe’s Biggest Theme Park”

Adem Altan / AFP / Getty

Wonderland Eurasia, billed as “Europe’s biggest theme park,” opened in Ankara, Turkey, in March 2019. Political turmoil, uneven ride quality, and a lack of attendance caused the massive park to close its doors permanently after less than a year of operation. Continue reading »

There’s an Atmospheric Abandoned Jurassic Park Located in the Heart of Russia


Three hours from Moscow is the Golden City tourist complex. A park with dinosaurs, rides and the biggest roller coaster in Europe was also planned nearby! It was supposed to open in summer of 2021, but lately a lot has been going wrong, so for now there is an atmospheric unfinished construction with Diplodocs and Tyrannosaurs in the middle of the tall grass. Continue reading »

Romanian Urban Explorer Captured An Abandoned Crematorium And Found Human Remains


Photographer Cristian Lipovan (previously) is fascinated by abandoned places, devoting his time to urban exploring – seeking out intriguing and long-forgotten churches, schools and houses and documenting how they look after the people have all moved on. Continue reading »

The Spirit of Post-Apocalyptic Russia Through the Incredible Atmospheric Photographs of Alexander Sukharev

Russian photographer and urban explorer Alexander Sukharev likes to take pictures not only with his camera, but also mostly from the air with his drone: abandoned churches and military bases, monuments of socialist realism, crumbling houses in the lush blossom of the apple trees surrounding them, showing all the beauty and charm of the combination of death and life. Continue reading »

Explorer Visits Abandoned and World’s Largest Ekranoplan, Here Are Some Great Pictures of The Inside and Outside

Many people have seen the ekranoplan from outside but few have had a chance to get inside. This vehicle is something in between an aircraft and a ship. “Lun” is the world biggest ground effect vehicle designed in the USSR in late 70s. Now the ekranoplan as big as a five-storey building is in Derbent, it has been preserved as a museum exhibit. Continue reading »

This Creepy Abandoned Submarine Shelter is Still Waiting for a Nuclear Threat

This place in the Primorsky region of Russia could be perfect for making a post-apocalyptic movie – it’s a creepy labyrinth of massive tunnels dug out in the sea-cliff that had to shelter submarines of the Pacific Fleet in case of a nucler war. However, when the construction was almost finished, the project was cancelled. Continue reading »

Fantastic Photos Show What An Abandoned Soviet Submarine Looks Like From Inside

A passage between compartments

According to an explorers duo: “We are two. Him and Her. A man and a woman, husband and wife. We are open and adventurous. We are not athletes and far from the best photographers. We are searching, we are learning, we are developing, we travel, we look for adventures. And here they are – abandoned, decayed, derelict, lost and forgotten places, urban exploration, city suburbs… call it as you want .. but! As soon as you start exploring, you realize that there is a whole world of abandoned places. Continue reading »

Plenty of Old Carney Magic Still Haunts This Abandoned Photogenic Amusement Park in South Korea

Roman Ustinov

There is a small abandoned theme park in Seoul, South Korea, with a quieted carousel, bleached-out images of ’80s pop icons, and “dodgem” cars that have long-since quit dodging. But unlike most amusement parks that have gone idle, this one invites the public to share in its slow crumble. Continue reading »

Urban Explorer Makes Fantastic Photos of The Abandoned Radio Station to Seek For Traces of Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations

Artem Achkasov

Just another place reminding of the scientific past of the great country. The bank of the Volga river, Nizhegorodsk region, Russia and a radio astronomy observatory of the Scientific Research Radiophysical Institute built two years after the war, in 1947. Continue reading »

Photographer Travels Across Russia and Captures Forgotten Artefacts Of The Post-Soviet Era

Photographer Lana Sator travels across Russia in search of abandoned places. Her Instagram dedicated to industrial tourism and Soviet architecture have already attracted an impressive audience. Continue reading »

Amazing Photographs Of Trees Growing Through Classic Cars

For unknown reasons trees seem to like the apocalypse-style of growing through abandoned vehicles. Why? Good protection for seedlings? Continue reading »

Photographer Josef Schulz Captures Abandoned Checkpoints Across Europe

Polish-born photographer Josef Schulz has an extraordinary body of work to his name. The 48-year-old’s imagery deals predominantly with mundane man-made objects iconicised by his lens. But his images aren’t quite as simple as they first seem. Continue reading »