couples » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
couples – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Love and Fashion in the 1970s: Vintage Photos of Young Couples


In the 1970s, fashion was all about expressing individuality. Popular items included mini skirts, bell-bottoms (popularized by hippies), vintage clothing from the 1950s and earlier, and the androgynous glam rock and disco styles that introduced platform shoes, bright colors, glitter, and satin. Continue reading »

Cool Pics Show Fashion Styles of ’80s Couples

The 1980s are easily identifiable. This amazing decade featured fast music, sporty cars, TV in every home, and new materials that changed the world. Continue reading »

Vintage Postcards of Mid-Century Romantic Couples

The phrase “romantic” might be used to describe a particularly dramatic or meaningful gesture from one person toward the object of their affection. Some people might even describe themselves as a “hopeless romantic” in general. Continue reading »

Photographer Captures Couples Who Switch Outfits, and the Results Are Hilarious

“Switcheroo” is a dual portrait series by Canadian photographer Hana Pesut where accomplices are photographed twice, once in their own outfits and again wearing each others outfits against the same background. Continue reading »

A.I. Helps To Answer What The Kids Of Famous Fictional Couples Would Look Like

Diana Prince And Steve Trevor (Wonder Woman)
Gal Gadot and Chris Pine

According to Hidreley Diao: “In movies and TV series, we often see couples that radiate chemistry and immediately become fan favorites. But sadly these couples are fictional and sometimes don’t even end up together on the TV screens. Even if they do end up living their happily ever after, we rarely get to see what their kids would look like (if they decide to have any). Continue reading »

Romantic Photos of the ’60s Couples

The 1960s that brought us the beats and the hippies, the mods and the peaceniks, was just as diverse in fashion as its social chaos might imply. Continue reading »

Artist Colorized Vintage Portraits Of LGBT Couples To Show Beauty And Support For The LGBTQ+ Community

Accordint to Andrea Erali: “Hi, my name is Andrea and I’m a gay art director based in New York. A couple of years ago, I came across “The Invisibles,” a touching collection of vintage portraits of love and pride curated by Sebastien Lifshitz. I found these photos of gay lovers and friends so touching, and I realized at that moment that the LGBTQ+ community has a history too. And a beautiful one.” Continue reading »

Intimate Vintage Photos Capture Romantic Couples In The 1950s

Lovers on a public bench, England, 1950s. Photo by Jean-Philippe Charbonnier/Gamma-Rapho.

A series of candid vintage photographs capture the intimacy between lovers during the 1950s. Continue reading »

Can You Guess Who Is Kissing In These Pics: Real Couples Or Friends?

When photographer Ben Lamberty was walking down the street last summer, he saw a couple kissing and took a spontaneous picture of them. He liked the shot so much he decided to make a series of similar photos. Ben asked his friends to pose as models for his project. Continue reading »

Projection-Mapped PDA Puts Kissing Couples On Display In Paris


A lot of people get a little touchy about engaging in public displays of affection, but French visual artist Julien NONNON put the intimate interactions of Parisians on display for his projection-mapped project #le_baiser. Using proprietary technology that allows him to project on any facade that strikes his fancy, NONNON broadcast the embraces of couples on buildings throughout the city. Continue reading »

For 32 Years, Artist Took Photos Of The Same Couples To Show The Effects Of Time


When Swiss photographer Barbara Davatz met Kurt and Nicola back in 1982, the young couple caught her eye for their uncanny resemblance. Both with blond hair in crew cuts and head to toe dressed in black, they seemed like intriguing subjects for a photo shoot. Continue reading »

Couples Can Now Get Married In The Middle Of The Indian Ocean


For couples looking to get married at the Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru, one thing’s for certain: they definitely won’t need to bring something blue. In the middle of the Indian Ocean, the resort’s engaged guests can now say their vows in a freestanding, glass-bottomed pavilion. The couple and their (at most) 16 guests are invited to experience a ceremony unlike any other as they board a boat to get to the modest yet refreshingly elegant structure. Continue reading »