guide – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Important Things and Hilarious Happenings: Demetri Martin’s Guide to Life (and Laughter)


A master of many talents, Demetri Martin is an American comedian. His deadpan stand-up routines are known for their quirky blend of illustrations, musical bits, and clever wordplay. Continue reading »

How To Be a Dog: Illustrated Guide


If you have been thinking about a career change, you should consider becoming a dog. It’s a good life with many perks. We sincerely hope this guide by LastLemon will help you to achieve your life-long dream to become a dog. Last Lemon is the creative studio of Lisa Swerling & Ralph Lazar. Continue reading »

How to Design a Nuclear Reactor – an Illustrated Rough Guide, 1956-1998

Sizewell B PWR, Nuclear Engineering International – The World’s Reactors, No. 83, Sizewell B PWR, Sizewell, Suffolk, UK. Wall chart insert, Nuclear Engineering, December 1982

The University of New Mexico’s Centennial Science and Engineering Library hosts these images of Nuclear Engineering Wall Charts. The graphics appeared in Nuclear Engineering International magazine from it inception in 1956 to 1998. Nuclear power has had its successes and disasters – but it’s rarely looked better. Continue reading »

Farting In Bed Etiquette – Illustrated Guide

Relationships have lots of milestones: the first time you say “I love you”, the day you move in together, the first time you go grocery shopping together, and so on. But one of the most important and least discussed milestones is the first time you fart in a bed… Luckily, Weng Chen is here to help. She is a cartoonist behind the Messycow blog as well as a recovering bed farter. Continue reading »

COVID-19 Social Distancing Guide In European Countries

It’s important to keep distance from others during the Coronavirus pandemic, but sometimes it’s not entirely clear exactly how far you should stay away from others. Hopefully this guide will be able to help you to understand the right distance to keep while visiting various European countries. Continue reading »

How To Become a Cat: The Complete Guide

This informative guide has been created by illustrators and book authors Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar. We sincerely hope this will help you to achieve your life-long dream to become a cat. Continue reading »

What The Bloody Hell Is A … ?: Brilliant Guide To Animals

UK TV channel Dave launched an online campaign titled “What the bloody hell is a … ?” During it, the channel shared pictures of various animals along with some of their defining characteristics. And yes, the descriptions aren’t completely legit. Well, actually, they’re almost pure fiction. But they’re so ridiculous, they’re kinda genius. Continue scrolling and you’ll see what we mean. Continue reading »

International Guidelines For Problem Solving

Featured below is a useful guide that will show how different countries approach and solve problems. Created by Jérôme Vadon who apparently loves when people fight with each other in comments about who lives in the best country. Continue reading »

The Married Kama Sutra: The World’s Least Humorous Erotic Sex Manual

For centuries, lovers have found inspiration and advice in the ancient text of the Kama Sutra. Now, Simon Rich – ‘one of the funniest writers in America’ (The Daily Beast) – and Farley Katz have unearthed a valuable new document – a guide to the positions most common after marriage. Continue reading »

Aerosutra: How People Survive On Long-Haul Flights While Trying To Sleep

According to Birute Bikelyte: “This year for the first time in my life I was traveling to other continents in long-haul flights. After unpacking plastic bags with pillows, blankets, headphones, eating tasteless food, drinking 100% pure artificial orange juice, pretending to be reading a book, watching 3 movies, finally, I felt my eyes closing.

But sleeping in the plane was not that simple.” Continue reading »

A Millennial’s Guide To Cocktails

Chaz Hutton illustrates a humorous guide to cocktails for millennials. Continue reading »

Artist Grace Gogarty Makes Hilarious Guide To Dog Breeds That Will Help You Choose Your Next Dog

There are so many dog breeds, it’s incredibly easy to mistake one pooch for another. Luckily, St. Louis-based artist Grace Gogarty has created a comprehensive comic series that will help you identify most doggos. Continue reading »

The Ultimate Humorous & NSFW Photo Guide Of Mormon Missionary Positions

The Mormon Church’s law of chastity prohibits masturbation and premarital sex. The Church even frowns on dressing in a non-chaste manner and homosexuality is considered a major-league sin. Portland-based photographer Neil Dacosta satirized the Mormons’ politicized stance on same-sex relations by coming up with The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions. Continue reading »

An Illustrated Guide To Life’s Most Annoying Moments

‘How to be Annoying’ is a humorous guide by creative studio Last Lemon that teaches you be an annoyance to the people around you. These ‘tips’ were submitted by users and illustrated by creatives Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar. Continue reading »

Quick Guide To Identifying Ford Pickups From 1948 To 1996

The Ford Motor Company (commonly referred to simply as Ford) is an American multinational automaker headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. It was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903. The company sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand and most luxury cars under the Lincoln brand. Continue reading »

1940s Guide Shows How To Kiss Correctly


LIFE magazine published this guide for actors in 1942, but it may still come in handy today. According to these romantic pictures from the magazine, there are some vital basic steps to follow to achieve the perfect clinch. First, the how-to guide recommends that kissers should not stand too far apart – pointing out that actors doing this on stage look ‘juvenile if they are so stand-offish’. Continue reading »

Computer Love: The Ultimate Guide To Computing


This colourful series of ten historic computers, created in close collaboration between INK and Docubyte, documents the beginning of our computing history. Continue reading »

Cultural Torture: An Offensive And Ironic Guide To Pissing People Off In Their Own Countries


Oops. An offensive guide to cultural torture: comics that explain how to piss people off in their own countries. By Cale of ‘Things In Squares.’ Continue reading »

Why is Your Millenial Crying? A Guide for Parents.


Illustrator Gemma Correll created this tongue-in-cheek guide to help parents identify why their millenials might be crying. Continue reading »

An Illustrated Guide To Our Deepest Desires


“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about. Your entire life and everything in it is a result of your belief system coupled with your thoughts. The feelings and emotions you have cement this in your mind, and the illusion of all of this combined is what you see as your reality on a moment-to-moment and day-to-day basis.” – Stephen Richards, Your Wishes Fulfilled: Volume 1: Theory. Continue reading »

A Helpful 1930’s Guide On How To Avoid Electrocuting Yourself


Back in 1931 Austrian-British physician Stefan Jellinek wrote a book called ‘Elektroschutz in 132 Bildern’ in which he demonstrated through a series of illustrations how easy it can be to accidentally electrocute and potentially kill yourself. Continue reading »

An Adorable Guide To The Dogs Of The World By Geographic Origin By Artist Lili Chin

Artist Lili Chin of Doggie Drawings has created an adorable series of illustrations called Dogs Of The World. The vibrant guide features over 200 dogs that are all separated by their place of origin. Continue reading »

Drone Survival Guide

Our ancestors could spot natural predators from far by their silhouettes. Are we equally aware of the predators in the present-day? Drones are remote-controlled planes that can be used for anything from surveillance and deadly force, to rescue operations and scientific research. Most drones are used today by military powers for remote-controlled surveillance and attack, and their numbers are growing. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicted in 2012 that within 20 years there could be as many as 30.000 drones flying over U.S. Soil alone. As robotic birds will become commonplace in the near future, we should be prepared to identify them. This survival guide is an attempt to familiarise ourselves and future generations, with a changing technological environment.

This document contains the silhouettes of the most common drone species used today and in the near future. Each indicating nationality and whether they are used for surveillance only or for deadly force. All drones are drawn in scale for size indication. From the smallest consumer drones measuring less than 1 meter, up to the Global Hawk measuring 39,9 meter in length.

Men’s Health Tech Guide by Miko Lim

Fashion photographer Miko Lim shoots the beautiful Ashley Sky and what will be 2014′s most in-demand products for Men’s Health’s 2014 Tech Guide. Continue reading »

Tour Guide Feeds 17 Foot Crocodile

To most of us, hand-feeding crocodiles might sound like a one-way ticket to a watery grave. But for Jose Eduardo Chaves Salas, 32, coming within inches of the fearsome creatures’ razor-sharp teeth is all in a day’s work. He runs Jose’s Crocodile River Tour on the Tarcoles River in Costa Rica, where tourists can watch him feed crocs up to 17 feet long.

“At first it’s very scary to be next to these huge creatures in their natural habitat, but with time and practice you lose the nerves and get used to it”, Jose said. The croc whisperers are based in the town of Tarcoles, in Central Pacific Costa Rica, around an hour’s drive from the capital of San José where Jose was born. Despite their terrifying reputation, the Costa Rican is keen to dispel the idea that crocodiles are aggressive and out-of-control. “They are not violent or dangerous if you are knowledgeable about them and know how to work with them”, Jose said.

A tour guide dangles a piece of meat above the open jaws of a crocodile on the banks of the Tarcoles river in Tarcoles, Costa Rica. (Barcroft Media) Continue reading »