sized » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
sized – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Gorgeous Photos Make Star Wars Toys Look Like Real, Life-Sized Ships

Manufacturers of toys all over the world should be advertising their products with photos like these. Photographer Vesa Lehtimäki is responsible for these beauties; he’s been photographing his kid’s toys over the years and he makes shots that look like they belong in movies. His images of the various vehicles of Star Wars are especially impressive. Continue reading »

British Designer Liam Hopkins Creates A Full-Sized Cardboard Car For ŠKODA

To celebrate the launch of ŠKODA’s karoq, the czech automobile manufacturer has created the ‘world’s most child friendly SUV’ built entirely out of cardboard. The ‘kid karoq’ takes direction from research ŠKODA research asking 1,000 under-11s what they’d pack into their perfect car and features a game-console, touch screens, a ball pit, slide, speakers and WIFI. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Realistic Life-Sized Female Sculptures Inspired By The Graceful Beauty Of Renaissance Art


Luo Li Rong is a Chinese artist who lives in Belgium for several years now. At a very young age she began sculpting and she studied art at the prestigious Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing. When she graduated, she was honored and became a member of the workshop of the master Sun Jiabao. There she immersed herself in classical figurative sculpture. The goal was to be one in spirit with the model. Continue reading »

Real Life Sized Soviet Era Motorbike Made Of Wood


Ok, I haven’t seen anything like this before. Please meet a 1:1 wooden motorcycle replica with intricate detailing, all made from wood, all real life sized. As the source reports, a guy called Yury decided to make something unusual. He has chosen a Soviet IZH-49 motorbike as a target to apply his wood crafting skills. So this is what he did. Tires, exhaust pipe, everything from wood. Continue reading »

An Unusual, Luxurious Sleeping Bag That Looks Just Like A Life-Sized Bear


Amsterdam-based Japanese artist Eiko Ishizawa has transformed the average, functional sleeping bag into an exquisite work of art with her luxurious creation that closely resembles a life-sized bear, humorously referencing the safety hazard that comes with camping in the woods. Continue reading »

Facebook Group Photoshops Plus-Sized Women To ‘Inspire’ Them To Lose Weight

Tes Holiday

Photoshop has become synonymous with “beautifying” photos that would otherwise have imperfections. In some cases, this is OK, and magazines and online media do this with a subject’s consent. Recently, however, a group going by the name of “Project Harpoon” (Facebook page presently shut down) has drawn criticism for photoshopping plus-sized models to appear thinner. An offshoot of ThInnerBeauty, a website and subreddit, the group aims to “inspire” its targets to lose weight. Continue reading »

Building-Sized Street Art Portraits by Natalia Rak


Natalia Rak is an artist and painter from Poland. Born in 1986, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. A longtime painter, you can find many of her oil on canvas artworks on her deviantART profile. Continue reading »

Dutchman Launches Life-sized Replica of Noah’s Ark

If the world floods, whether from an angry God or climate change, Johan Huibers is ready. After 20 years of work, the Dutchman has completed a full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark as described in the Bible, the AP reports. He followed Biblical instructions precisely to create a boat 427 feet long and 75 feet high, which he has filled with a menagerie of stuffed and plastic animals, as well a petting zoo with live animals and an aviary of exotic birds.

Huibers, a Christian, says he started building the boat after a nightmare in 1992 in which floods once again overwhelmed his low-lying homeland. He doesn’t believe that God is planning to flood the world once more, but he hopes his ark will “make people question that so that they go looking for answers” and find them through God, he says. The ark is open to visitors and Huibers plans to take it to other European ports and possibly even to the US. Photos by AP Photo/Peter Dejong. Continue reading »