viral » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
viral – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Japanese Cosplayer’s ‘BoobPack’ Becomes A Viral Trend On Twitter

A female Japanese cosplayer is hoping to start an unusual fashion trend that requires a little more than just a significant amount of confidence to pull off. Continue reading »

Hipster Pensioner Whose Photos Went Viral On Reddit Stars In Designer Ad Campaigns

Photo © by Emma Jane Photo

A pensioner has proven it’s never to late to achieve your goals after his lifelong dream of becoming a model became a reality when he shared photos of himself online. Philippe Dumas, 60, who lives in Paris, made a last ditch attempt to achieve his ambition seven months ago when he posted images of himself on Imgur. Featuring a collection of images showing himself in various poses and showcasing a beard than most millennial hipsters would envy he achieved 400K+ views. Continue reading »

Adorable ‘Little Monks’ In Chongqing Go Viral Online


A group of photos depicting two little boys dressed as monks in a temple in Chongqing, southwest China, have become a hit online, reports. These photos were taken by a netizen when he and his friend took their sons to the Two Buddha Temple in Hechuan, Chongqing for a trip together. (CNS/Zhong Xin) Continue reading »

This Bride Took Her Own Wedding Photos, and Then They Went Viral


Many brides shell out thousands of dollars for expert wedding photography. But when 29-year-old Liisa Luts of Tallin, Estonia, got married August 28, she decided to take the low-maintenance route and photograph the wedding herself, the results offering an intimate portrayal of the wedding day.
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‘Hong Kong is Not China’: Artist’s Illustrations Go Viral

A collection of illustrations created by a Hong Kong designer has gone viral since being published to the Facebook page of Local Studio HK. Continue reading »

Cute “Little Monk” in SE China Goes Viral Online

A photo posted on May 25, 2014 shows a little boy dressed as a monk standing in a temple in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China’s Fujian province. A group of photos depicting the cute “little monk” got nearly 10,000 reposts over one night.

It is known that the “little monk”, whose English name is “Monday”, is only one year and two months old. According to Monday’s father, the monk outfit was bought on Taobao, China’s leading e-commerce platform. Continue reading »

Hillary Clinton Goes Viral: ‘Texts From Hillary’ Meme Rides Wave Of Success

Hillary Clinton is best known for her political accomplishments – representing New York as a United States Senator, being a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 and working as the current Secretary of State — but now she’s become part of some neither she nor anyone else ever expected.

The celebrated Secretary of State is the star of a new internet meme in which the she’s shown wearing a pair of dark sunglasses looking at her blackberry. Beneath the photo of her looking at her blackberry is a caption of Clinton responding to someone on her phone.

The meme, called “Texts From Hillary Clinton,” has been started on Tumblr blog of the same name. The Tumblr account appears to be created in the same fashion as other Tumblr hits including “Kim Jong-Il Looking At Things” and “Garfield Minus Garfield,” which are each themed photo collections. Continue reading »