Magnetic Wallpaper By Sian Zeng – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Magnetic Wallpaper By Sian Zeng

Magnetic Woodlands Wallpaper by Sian Zeng. This magnetic wallpaper will bring fairy tales to life in a child’s room. Magical woodlands wallpaper in toile style printed in England with eco friendly inks on paper from sustainable forests.

Roll dimensions : 52cm X 10 M Length. Repeat size: 53cm half drop. Magnet receptive liner: 61cm width (no pattern repeat) 2x5m roll a total of 10m. The magnet receptive liner is pasted onto the wall first with pre-mixed wallpaper paste. Once it has dried the Woodlands Wallpaper is pasted on top to create this magnetic woodlands wall.

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