A Man With a Very Big Heart Repurposes Trash to Make Tiny Homes for the Homeless – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Man With a Very Big Heart Repurposes Trash to Make Tiny Homes for the Homeless

In Oakland, one compassionate artist named Gregory Kloehn, with the help of many others in the community, is turning trash into treasure for the homeless. He gathers various materials from dumpsters, curbs, and commercial waste to create tiny mobile shelters.

Like snowflakes, no two homes are exactly alike- they are even uniquely painted, but they all have a roof to shelter from the rain and wheels to take them wherever they need to go.

Many of the homeless people in Oakland have had all of their belongings swept up by police abiding by Oakland’s public safety laws and Kloehn is hoping his mobile home designs will circumvent this issue.

After building the structure, adding wheels, and painting it, the average cost is about $100 for each home.

According to their website, “The Homeless Homes Project” is an asymmetrical approach to modern living where collective ideas, good will, and basic construction skills unite to repurpose the abundance of everyday garbage into viable living spaces.

If you can spare some cash for a great cause or live in the area and would like to help, head over to the organization’s website. They are looking for imaginative people.

Source: Visual News