Urban by Accident: The Modern Graffiti Art by Yann L’Outsider – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Urban by Accident: The Modern Graffiti Art by Yann L’Outsider


Yann Le Berre, also known as Yann L’Outsider, was born in 1984. Introduced to graffiti at 17, he was drawn into the exhilarating rush of instinctive creation amidst the margins of legality.

He honed his urban art by reclaiming neglected spaces, imprinting and asserting his artistic identity. Simultaneously, he pursued training in cabinet making at École Boulle, an endeavor characterized by exacting standards and meticulous craftsmanship, contrasting with the spontaneous expression of graffiti.

Presenting himself as “urban by accident,” Yann L’Outsider currently resides on his family’s property in Brittany, a constant wellspring of inspiration likely influencing his transition towards canvas and studio work. The artist has shifted his aesthetic exploration towards abstraction, gradually forsaking color.

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