battle » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
battle – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

20 Winners Of The Greatest Photoshop Battles Ever

Every now and then, a photo so ambiguous emerges, it’s just begging to be featured on the subreddit r/PhotoshopBattles. Featured below are the winners from the past few years. Continue reading »

Lifeline Concept Art Of Apex Legends, An Immaculate Battle Royale Showrunner

Courtesy of Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts

Apex Legends is already a smash hit. The game has garnered more than 10 million fans in less than a week — making it a tried and true competitor in the cutthroat battle royale genre. Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. Let’s discover a collection of Concept Art made for Apex Legends! Continue reading »

Stunning Medieval Wonder Woman Battle Armor Fit For An Amazon Princess

Wonder Woman has gone through a few costume redesigns over the years but she keeps coming back to some form of armor, because she’s a warrior through and through. Continue reading »

“Enfarinats” Festival – The Battle With Flour And Eggs In Spain

Jaime Reina/AFP Photo

Residents of the Spanish town of Ibi staged a mock military coup on Monday 28 December, pelting each other with flour and eggs, and letting off firecrackers and fire extinguishers. The battle was part of a festival held every year as part of celebrations of the Day of the Innocents in the village in the Valencia region. Continue reading »

Frog That Looks Like Princess Leia Sparks Photoshop Battle, And The Results Are Hilarious


This frog gained a striking resemblance to Star Wars heroine Princess Leia when a pair of snails began to crawl on its face. The pictures were taken by Indonesia-based photographer Tanto Yensen, who regularly photographs his pet dumpy tree frog in Jakarta. He was taking pictures of his four-year-old pet outdoors when the snails approached as if they “wanted to play” with the frog. Continue reading »

Re-Enactors Prepare For The Battle Of Hastings For 950th Anniversary

Tim Benfield of the st Centingas historic re-enactment group poses for portraits in his home while wearing his replica armour on October 11, 2016 in Canterbury, England. This weekend marks the 950th anniversary of 1066, the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Conquest, and many historical groups will be participating in a large-scale re-enactment on the site of the original battle. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images) Continue reading »

The Battle For The Largest Bonfire In The Netherlands


In the last few days of the year leading up to the midnight of December 31, two Dutch teams from the neighboring districts of Scheveningen (in Noorderstrand) and Duindorp (in Zuiderstrand) battle each other on Scheveningen’s North Beach for the title of “the largest bonfire in the Netherlands”. The long tradition and a matter of pride keeps the emotions churning as enthusiastic participants stack wooden crates and pallets as high as they can. The battle is closely monitored not only from Scheveningen and Duindorp, but also in the rest of the Netherlands and beyond. Tourists come all the way from America, Germany, France and England to see the bonfires. Before the bonfires are lit on the midnight of December 31, there are usually performances by artists and fireworks display. Continue reading »

Make Sure Your Cat is Battle Ready With 3D Printed Cat Armor


House cats may not seem like the warrior type. Lazy, self-centered, and prone to diving under beds at the first sign of an enemy vacuum cleaner, cats don’t exactly come to mind when you think of valiant battle steeds. Continue reading »

Photographer Captures Military Kits Through The Ages: From The Battle Of Hastings To Helmand


Photographs by Thom Atkinson of military kit through the ages suggest that while technology evolves apace, the experience of soldiers in the face of war is unchanging. Continue reading »

700th Anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn

A re-enactor plays the part of an English mercenary soldier during the rehearsal for the Battle of Bannockburn Live event on June 27, 2014 in Stirling, Scotland. The 700th anniversary of the historic battle that saw outnumbered Scots army conquer the English led by Edward II in the First War of Scottish Independence. (Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
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Battle Of Helm’s Deep Made from Lego

Based on the layout of Helm’s Deep featured in Peter Jackson’s film adaptation, this 150,000 brick set piece is astounding. The artists, who go by the names Rich-K and Big J, apparently, nail the atmosphere and scale of the conflict of one Lord of the Rings most iconic scenes. At the time these photos were taken, the model was about 90% complete, with an estimated four months worth of work. The time, money and personal investment that must have gone into this project is impressive. Continue reading »

“Battleships”: Grid Battle

Table Games is the new coasters-game series from t&m. The games provide exciting entertainment at the table when the conversation runs out or the mood drops. With GRID BATTLE the Bavarian company team & marke revisited the classic “Battleships”. It is is available in a handy metal tin with 12 beer coasters for 12 exciting games (2 per player) including 2 pencils for € 8.60.

Photo of the Day: Let the Battle Begin

A small boat, bottom, from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s Steve Irwin, left top, chases down the Japanese harpoon vessel Yushin Maru No. 2 in a confrontation between the whalers and anti-whaling activists in the Antarctica Sea. (Billy Danger/Sea Shepherd) Click image to zoom.