This Artist Works In Nature And Uses Only The Materials Available To Create Beautiful Artwork
Hannah Bullen-Ryner, an earth artist, uses natural materials found in forests to “paint” intricate animal images, creating art through a unique collaboration with nature. Describing her work as a partnership with Mother Nature, she gathers her palette seasonally and finds inspiration in the wildlife that accompanies her, including a robin who has become a daily companion. Continue reading »
Amazing Photos of the 1969 Holden Hurricane
The 1969 Holden Hurricane, built by GM’s Australian division, was a revolutionary concept car designed to explore advanced technologies and future trends. Continue reading »
When Home Improvement Projects Become Home Implosion Projects
Introducing the denture drill holder, the ultimate fusion of dental aesthetics and DIY functionality that holds your bits and screws in place with magnetic gums—because who doesn’t want a tool set that smiles back? Continue reading »
Fantastic Bottle Cap Portraits by Jeffrey A. Meszaros
In 2008, a young bartender named Jeffrey A. Meszaro was struck by the vibrant colors he discarded with every beer bottle he opened. Continue reading »
“Metamorphosis”: The Superb Concept Art of Entei Ryu
Entei Ryu is a concept artist and digital sculptor currently working for the entertainment industry and based in Tokyo. Continue reading »
The Cult of the UAZ-452: Why Dutch Campers Are Obsessed with the Russian “Bukhanka”
In an unexpected twist of cultural fascination, the rugged Russian UAZ-452, known as “Bukhanka” (meaning “loaf” due to its boxy shape), has become a beloved icon among Dutch camping enthusiasts. Continue reading »
Peering into the Strange Past Through the Lens of Bizarre Historical Photographs
In the 20th century, photographers captured world changes, from wars to new inventions and odd events. Photos like Boston’s Molasses Flood or alligator picnics in Los Angeles fascinated viewers and historians. Even simple mugshots reveal intriguing stories.
These images, evoking smiles or sadness, piece together our history, showcasing peculiar inventions, outdated customs, and unique moments in all their strange and captivating glory.
A woman tests a stroller intended to be resistant to gas attacks in Hextable, England in 1938, not long before the outbreak of World War II. Continue reading »
A Banana Artist Who Turns The Fruit Into Cartoons, Animals, and More
Numerous times, it has been proven that true artists don’t require fancy supplies to create masterpieces. Continue reading »
Artist Captures Shadows of the Forgotten American Landscapes in Stunning Realistic Paintings
Adam Normandin is a contemporary realist painter based in Los Angeles, well-known for his depictions of freight trains, graffiti, and the American landscape. His artistry delves into the unnoticed or overlooked details, exploring vacant spaces often found beyond the typical confines. Continue reading »
At the Moment that The Sun Is Shining, a Fountain in Italy Appears to Be Gushing out Lava
In 2009, L’Aquila, a city in central Italy, was devastated by an earthquake, resulting in extensive damage. Despite the destruction, the city embarked on a path of recovery and restoration. Continue reading »
The Emotional and Poetic Portraits of Sena Adjovi
The ethereal portraits by Montreal artist Sena Adjovi evoke the cadence and resonance of poetry. Continue reading »
Brutalist Breuer Building Owned By IKEA Could Become Hotel In Connecticut
IKEA is considering plans to transform a concrete structure by modernist architect Marcel Breuer in New Haven into a hotel, according to reports. Continue reading »
These 80-Year-Old Wooden Escalators Become A Beautiful Sculpture
Turning old wooden escalators, 80 years old, into a beautiful aerial sculpture celebrating both the past and modernity? This is the idea of the Australian artist Chris Fox, whose creation entitled Interloop has just been installed in the Wynyard Station of the Sydney underground. This monumental installation pays tribute to the old wooden escalators of the city, since replaced by more modern metal versions. Continue reading »
Artist Turns People Into 3D Pixar-Like Characters And You Can Become One Too
What do artists Robert DeJesus and Lance Phan have in common? They both turn strangers into awesome characters. However, while DeJesus does anime caricatures , Phan creates portraits that are much more Pixar-like. Continue reading »
When Dogs And Their Humans Become One By Isaac Alvarez
Isaac Alvarez is a talented photographer and director currently based in Los Angeles, California. Isaac, well known for his dramatic portraits that resonate with emotions, studied photography early on at the “Art Institute of Los Angeles” located in Santa Monica, CA. He focuses on portraiture, Alvarez shoots incredible fashion, conceptual, fine art and commercial photography. Continue reading »
Dutch Prisons Become Welcoming Homes For Refugees
Photo by Muhammed Muheisen / AP Photo
With crime declining in the Netherlands, the country is looking at new ways to fill its prisons. The government has let Belgium and Norway put prisoners in empty cells and now, amid the huge flow of migrants into Europe, several Dutch prisons have been temporarily pressed into service as asylum-seeker centers. Continue reading »
When Does Food Cross The Line And Become Art?
Probably when it looks as amazing as these glass-finish cakes created by Russian bakery artist, Olga Noskova. Let’s have a look at some of her creations. Continue reading »
Craziest Client Requests Become Amusing Art
Designers, ever heard of that line coming from a clueless client? Leaves you speechless doesn’t it? It’s very difficult to answer these type of requests and not sound the least bit sarcastic. But you try your nicest. They say kids say the darknest things, well, clients too. Sometimes, even more so.
Seeing the bright side of this situation are Ireland based designers Mark Shanley and Paddy Treacy. The duo crowd sourced some of the weirdest and real client request from different ad agencies and creative types and asked them to make it into fun posters. Continue reading »
16 Images That Perfectly Capture How Completely Nuts Modern Life Has Become
British illustrator John Holcroft’s work is a fascinating mixture of retro-style illustrations combined with satirical commentary on modern-day society. The focus of his pieces span a wide range, tackling everything from our obsession with social media and technology to media’s role in the rise of obesity, the influence of banks, and, of course, politics. Continue reading »
Premature Babies – Moving Portraits of Newborns and What They Have Become
Félix, born at 24 weeks / Margot, born at 29 weeks. Photo © Red Méthot
Quebecker photographer Red Méthot, aka RedM has created a series of moving portraits of premature children, paralleling newborns and what they have become. By photographing these children holding in their hands a picture taken at the time of their birth, RedM illustrates in a single image the strength and the road traveled by these people who often had a difficult journey in early life. Continue reading »
Inseparable Terrier Duo Become Real Internet Sensation
“It started out with actual dog clothes and then to kids’ jumpers and then one thing led to another and before I knew it I was shopping in the baby section buying onesies” says Jennifer Mclean who’s the proud owner of two of the cutest Staffordshire Terriers around. Continue reading »
Models Become Their Favorite Foods In Photographic Series
The picture, as we know, does not record smell. And that’s one of the good points for this (very) good food photography series. Looking at these models’ favorite food can be a temptation for the stomach. Continue reading »
At This 3D Art Museum In Philippines You Become A Part Of The Art
Most museums don’t like to see their visitors take pictures, some going so far as to charge them for the privilege. But this is not the case at the Art In Island museum in Manila, The Philippines. Here, visitors are encouraged to interact and have fun with the art pieces, taking as many photos as they want. “Art paintings are not complete if you are not with them, if you don’t take pictures with them,” Blyth Cambaya, the museum’s secretary.
The museum is filled with unique paintings that, when photographed from a certain angle, create optical illusions that make it seem like you’re, for example, stepping out of the painting or being attacked by it.
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Massive 3D Street Art that Could Become a Guinness World Record
Francois Abelane is responsible for the creation of this 4000 square meter street artwork that was commissioned for the launch of a new line of Renault trucks in Lyon. The work will be entered into the Guinness book of World Records. Continue reading »
Photo of the Day: How to Become a TV Star
This cat was left clinging on to a television aerial 20ft in the air for three hours after falling off a roof. Peter Smith, 67, from Long Stratton, Norfolk, was woken by the sound of loud meowing and saw the cat when he opened his curtains. “My wife and I could hear this meowing that went on and on, so I looked out the window and was shocked to see a cat stuck on the aerial,” he said. “It was next-door’s cat and I think it must have been chasing a bird across the roof and fallen off. It was very scared and clinging on for dear life as the aerial is quite flimsy.” Mr Smith’s neighbour used a large ladder to reach his cat and the poor pet was brought down. “It was very shaken after the ordeal,” added Mr Smith. (Picture: GEOFF ROBINSON PHOTOGRAPHY / The Telegraph)