creates – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

An Artist Creates Stunning 3D Murals That Almost Seem To Leap Off The Wall


Meet Tehrell, an artist whose murals transform ordinary walls into vivid, lifelike worlds, captivating over 43,000 fans on Instagram. His art isn’t just meant to be seen—it’s an immersive experience that makes you feel like you’ve stepped right into the scene. Continue reading »

Beautiful Colorful Illustrations by Alexandra Francis


Alexandra Francis, an independent artist, designer, and animator from Manchester, creates vibrant illustrations and animations that have attracted major clients like Meta, Disney Pixar, Sony PlayStation, and BBC Sport. Continue reading »

The Superb Vaporwave Neon Pop Illustrations by Dale Lendl


Dale Lendl, also known as heymoonly, is a Filipino artist who creates electrifying cyberpunk illustrations in his “Neon Pop” series, blending internet culture, pop art, vaporwave visuals, and Japanese elements into bold, high-contrast compositions featuring strong female characters with a nostalgic 80s and 90s vibe. Continue reading »

Capturing Intimacy: The Art of Kseniya Vashchenko


Kseniya Vashchenko, a Siberian-born photographer, creates evocative images that explore themes of human sexuality, intimacy, and vulnerability. Her work blends reality with surrealism, offering a unique perspective that challenges societal norms and provokes thought. Vashchenko’s photographs invite viewers to connect deeply with the subjects, reflecting on their own emotions and experiences. Continue reading »

The Superb Book Covers and Editorial Illustrations by Silja Goetz


Silja Goetz, a freelance illustrator from Germany based in Madrid, creates stunning pieces for international clients, covering a wide range of subjects and media in both editorial and commercial projects. Continue reading »

Valery Slauk’s Magnificent Creepy Folk and Mythological Artistry


Valery Slauk, a celebrated Belarusian artist, specializes in book art and easel graphics, particularly employing the etching technique. His work delves into Slavic mythology, crafting captivating worlds that blend literary inspiration with boundless imagination. Continue reading »

Digital Artist Simeon Dukov Visuals Creates Breathtaking Dreamy Space Arts

Bulgaria-based artist Simeon Dukov create visual appealing art and twisted photo manipulations.

“I’ve always been fascinated with art and everything that is appealing for the eyes. As a kid I always had really big imagination and I visualized some parallel worlds where everything was different. Now I am mixing reality with my imagination so I can create all these photo manipulations. Now I am mixing reality with my imagination so I can create all these photo manipulations.” Beautiful! Continue reading »

Artist Creates Epic Mashups Of The Most Famous Artworks In History And Contemporary Pop Culture

According to an artist: “Hello, I’m a visual designer Hayati from Cyprus. I’ve been interested in Photoshop and paintings for a long time now. I’m inspired by people I see in everyday life. The fun begins when I mix them together with good old classics. Scroll down to see some of my work.” Continue reading »

Female Artist Creates Stunning Dark Photo Manipulations

Today I want to share with you amazing photo manipulations by artist Natacha aka @skip_closer. They’re slightly dark but perfectly done. And they will surely create a certain mood while viewing. So, take a deep breath and check these art works! Continue reading »

Netherlands-Based Artist Jeroen Van Kesteren Creates Miniature Sculptural Airships From Cardboard

Netherlands-based artist Jeroen van Kesteren has created these sculptural airships as part of a series titled “Orphanage for Lost Adventures”. Made primarily from cardboard, aluminum foil, adhesives, and an assortment of papers used for sails and propellers, the whimsical flying machines have a distinct steampunk feel. The pieces range in 40 to 50 centimeters tall and take about a month to make. Continue reading »

Russian Duo Creates Sleek Optical Illusion Portraits That Will Inspire Your Day

Coming to you Russian duo from Moscow, the _ Humiforms_ project is a surreal mix of fashion and optical illusions. Made by photography duo Alexander Khokhlov and Veronika Ershova the show sees fashion models changing into everyday objects. Continue reading »

Comedian Creates Hilarious Fake Products And Places Them In Stores

Comedian Jeff Wysaski (previously) creates brilliant funny product parodies and distributes them in local stores. Why? For the lulz, of course. Continue reading »

Unhappily Ever After: Artist Creates Unhappy Endings To Cartoon Characters

Artist Jeff Hong has done an illustration project where he placed his favorite cartoon characters in unfortunate social contexts, where they are suffering the dramas and anguish of ordinary people. Continue reading »

Sculptor Creates A Life-Size Statue Of Arnold Schwarzenegger Out Of Tree Trunk

James O’Neal, an artist specializing in wood sculptures, has created a life-size statue of Arnold Schwarzenegger and posted the entire process to his account on Instagram. Continue reading »

This Artist Creates Stupid NSFW Comics For People With A Dark Sense Of Humor

Rémi Lascault is a 32-year-old French artist who creates 4-panel comics for people with a dark sense of humor and has been drawing comics since he was a kid. The author says that it’s not the drawing that takes up most of the time when creating a comic, but rather coming up with the right “stupid joke” and twisting it in a not-so-stupid way. Continue reading »

Turkish Artist Abdullah Evindar Creates Fantastic Surreal Silhouette Photo Collages

How lovely are Abdullah Evindar mixed media collages! In this series the artist combined silhouettes with nature and landscapes. Working in both analog and digital methods, his technique brings a strong surrealism feel throughout his body of work. Continue reading »

“Weird Faces”: An Algorithm Based Project That Creates An Infinite Collection Of Fun Looking Sketched Faces

Computer generated images have a certain aesthetics to them that make them immediately recognizable as such by the trained eye. Weird Faces is an attempt to combine my old interest in illustration with programing, to create something procedural that has a truly individual artistic touch to it and is not instantly recognizable as a generative art piece. Even though, the faces look hand-drawn, they are entirely expressed by algorithmic rules. Each face is random, each face is unique. Still, they look similar to my actual hand drawn faces. Continue reading »

Japanese Student Creates Superhero Figures Out Of Insect Shells

A student in Osaka, Japan who goes by the name ride_hero on Twitter has posted several photos of his highly disturbing, yet really cool superhero action figures. He makes these figures from scratch using shells from dead insects mainly cicadas and crabs. It looks rather creepy at first glance but it definitely is an interesting piece of art! Continue reading »

Turkish Artist Hüseyin Şahin Creates Stunning Imaginative And Dreamlike Photo Manipulations

Hüseyin Şahin a.k.a. art.side (previously) is a talented 45-year-old art director, digital and visual artist currently based in Istanbul, Turkey. Hüseyin received his degree in Fine Arts from the Gazi University in 1996. Working in photoshop, Şahin creates spectacular collages inspired by nature, animals and urban environment. Continue reading »

Artist Julie Gonce Creates Stunning Organic Glass Sculptures

French artist Julie Gonce combines natural elements with sculpted glass forms to create unique pieces. Continue reading »

“Insider Outsider”: Artist Saks Afridi Creates Fantastic Traditional Hand-Made Rugs Covered With UFO Patterns

Saks Afridi is an art-based Creative Director and multi-disciplinary artist with 17 years of both US and global experience. He’s the proud recipient of 2 Gold Cannes Lions, 3 D&AD, 2 One Show pencils and a UN award for peace and understanding, in 2015. Continue reading »

Comedian Creates Hilarious Fake Signs, Places Them All Around Los Angeles

Comedian and video editor Alan Wagner has created a number of flyers posted around Los Angeles. Continue reading »

Artist Janis Miltenberger Creates Incredibly Intricate Glasswork Inspired By Mythology

Glass artist Janis Miltenberger draws on the roles of mythology and storytelling as attempts to explain our experience of the world to build complex glass sculptures. Continue reading »

Anonymous Virtual Traveller Creates Stunning Minimalist Photos By Using Goolge Street View

The anonymous author behind this great account uses the incredible richness of Google Street View, whose camera has gone all the way to the desert! Continue reading »

Artist Shoetree Creates Living, Breathing Sculptures From Old Nike Sneakers

For some it’s terracotta pots, for others it’s ceramic planters, for others still it’s plain old plastic straight from the store, but for Japanese artist Kosuke Sugimoto, aka Shoetree, when it comes to finding a home for his house plants he’s all about vintage Nike sneakers. Continue reading »