“Scraps Of The Untainted Sky”: The Epic Dystopian Artworks By Daniel Dociu
Daniel Dociu is a concept artist and illustrator in the game industry currently working on the Guild Wars series. He has worked for many companies, including EA Games, Microsoft, Wizards of the Coast and is now Director of Art at Amazon Game Sudios. Continue reading »
Melting Greenlandic Aerial Patterns By Daniel Beltrá
Renowned aerial and conservation photographer Daniel Beltrá has seen his share of the effects of global warming. For more than two decades, Beltrá’s work has taken him to all seven continents. Continue reading »
Stunning Digital Animalistic Artworks By Dániel Taylor
Hungarian graphic designer Dániel Taylor playfully merges double exposure with collages and illustration. His designs take you on a trip through time and space, into the depths of forests and the realms of our galaxy in search of natural beauty. Continue reading »
Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: The World Of Daniel Lismore
Daniel Lismore is known for elaborate and extravagant ensembles that brilliantly combine haute couture with charity-shop finds, yards of vintage fabrics and tartans, found objects, ribbons, feathers, chain mail, shells, ethnic jewelry, retro accessories, millinery and more in an expression of eccentric, creative energy. Continue reading »
Artist Daniel Liév Portrays Ambiguity And Irony In His Awesome Artwork
Colombian designer and illustrator Daniel Liév has created this series of illustrations which focus on irony and ambiguity. He believes that illustration is an incredible art form as it speaks to the viewer on so many different levels. Continue reading »
Hilarious Photos Of Jumping Cats By Photographer Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek
Vienna-based photographer Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek documents the aerobatic prowess of Elli, Flitzie, Nevio and Fiffy. Continue reading »
Brilliant Automotive Photography By Daniel Cali
Daniel Cali is a talented Australian automotive designer and digital artist, who was born in Melbourne and currently lives and works there. Daniel studied automotive design at Monash University. His artwork is a mix of photography and digital montage, with cars rendered by hand. Cali is highly influenced by mid-century design for classic cars and design that complement a modern day lifestyle. Continue reading »
Photographer Daniel Sachon Imagines What Marilyn Monroe Would Be Like Today
A photographer has imagined what screen icon Marilyn Monroe would be like today – and no doubt she’d love Instagram. Daniel Sachon, a student at Central St Martins, in London, created his first solo exhibition with Suzie Kennedy, an English model who looks remarkably similar to the blonde bombshell. In the exhibition, titled ‘Disruptive Innovation,’ Marilyn is seen brandishing a Starbucks coffee like so many celebrities papped now and flicking through her iPhone. Continue reading »
The Ethereal Landscape Photography Of Daniel Kordan
Russian photographer Daniel Kordan chases light.
Light and color, he says, “inspire people to live and open their hearts to the world.” And so his ethereal art sets out to showcase the lives and dreams of the international community and the fairy tale wonder of the world. And it succeeds remarkably well. For the past decade he’s been traveling the globe as a renowned landscape photographer—not just on his own, but as a guide for other soul-seekers interested in finding themselves in the light and lives of the farthest gorgeous remote corners of our fair planet. Each photograph, each captured instance of life, has a story.
The Spirit Island
“Photo from my recent expedition to Greenland. Our yacht Peter the First sailing near Umanak island. I have arrived to Canada today for one month. I am making a project in Rocky Mountains.” Continue reading »
Double-Exposure Animal Portraits By Dániel Taylor
According to artist Dániel Taylor: “I wanted to create the smoke effects on animals I used on some few of my female subjects. The hardest part was that while there were only faces, here there was the whole body that needed to be “smokeified”.” Continue reading »
“983 Followers”, A New Mural By Daniel “SAN” Munoz In Scotland
Daniel Munoz aka “SAN” recently stopped by Scotland where he spent a few hours working on a brand new indoor piece somewhere in the Scottish countryside. Continue reading »
The Avengers Re-Imagined By Daniel Kamarudin And The Result Is Awesome!
Back in 2015, Malaysian artist Daniel Kamarudin has added his own take on the superheroes into the mix and the result is awesome. Continue reading »
The Signs Of Life: Photo Project By Daniel Zakharov
“It all began with two porcelain parakeets on the windowsill of the house next door. Every time I passed by I would look at them. Just couldn’t help gazing. I got even more intrigued when I noticed that there were days when the parakeets would be looking out of the window, and there were days when they’d be facing the room. What makes these two so special for their owner, thought I, they must mean a lot to her, otherwise why would she display them in her window for everyone to see? Who lives in that room, what story could she tell? I couldn’t figure out what the birds were trying to tell me, my imagination was drawing its own pictures, but one thing was clear to me: the birds belonged to an old lady. The game with the unknown thrilled me. Continue reading »
Architect Daniel Libeskind’s Steel Wedge Bursts Through the Redesigned Museum in Dresden
A metal wedge designed by U.S. architect Daniel Libeskind protrudes from the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany, Oct. 13. After seven years of renovations according to his plans, the new exhibition with 10,500 exhibits from 700 years of military history opens tomorrow, Oct. 14. (Matthias Hiekel / EPA) Continue reading »
Illustrator Daniel Mackie
Cool illustrations by Daniel Mackie, UK illustrator. Hand drawn and coloured.
Daniel Herrmann
Daniel Herrmann, German photographer.
Daniel Hjalmarson
Photography and clothing line from Sweden, by Daniel Hjalmarson.
Daniel Laine’s Fantastic Work on African Kings
Representing the Abomey dynasty, Joseph Langanfin is the president of CAFRA, the council of Abomey’s royal families. With this title, he is considered as the official representative of the kings of Abomey. He presided at the centenary ceremonies for the death of King Glele, who was his great granfather.