feline – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

‘Neko Cup’ Creator Shows Off The Strange Infinite Cat Possibilities Of The Product


Last week we introduced the ‘Neko Cup’, a life aide which will finally help you create the peaceful world you’ve always dreamed of. One filled with cats. Continue reading »

Show Your Feline The Respect It Deserves With A “Game of Thrones” Cat Bed

Your cat rules your life and only lets you live because you feed it, empty its litter tray, and sometimes you can be quite amusing. So isn’t it time you just admit who’s boss in your household? Continue reading »

Demonic Glowing Eyed Cats And How To Photograph A Feline

Cats are generally cute and cuddly and full of fun. But there is another side of them which collector Robert E. Jackson has been collecting and that is how when a flash is taken of a cat, the lens of their eyes glows such that they looked possessed. Continue reading »

This Is The Most Ridiculously Fashionable Feline Ever


Everybody say hello to wonderfully glamorous Pitzush – a rescue kitty and now the proud “meowdel” of Instagram account @PussInGlam. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more fashionable kitty floating about the inter webs. Known as a ‘Cat Fashion Diva’ to over 10K+ fans, Pitzush can often be found wearing bedazzled necklaces, flowing dresses and more than a few fake eyebrows. Super cute, totally ridiculous and wonderfully funny – Pitzush has come along way from her days as a stray to becoming the ultimate feline fashionista. Continue reading »

Why Paint Cats: The Ethics Of Feline Aesthetics

Why did a woman in California pay an artist $5,000 to paint her cat to look like a pig? What made a New York stockbroker spend even more than that to have the image of Charlie Chaplin painted on his cat’s posterior? ‘Why Paint Cats’ reveals that, far from being an amusement for the idle rich, this seemingly aberrant behavior is part of a new art movement that claims to promote a better understanding of the cats in our lives. Continue reading »

“Cat Jenga” is a Brand New Challenging Game for Feline Fanatics

Of course there’s a cat Jenga game, of course there is! In the age of the Internet, cats are everywhere and you can’t really escape them, so Chinese company Comma came up with a game where participants balance wooden cats on top of each other in the hope of placing the last wooden cat on the cat tower and becoming the Cat Jenga champion! Continue reading »

This Feline-shaped Kindergarten Is The Cat’s Meow


Introducing young children to a school environment can be a challenge, but one kindergarten in Germany has no trouble getting their students excited for the day. This cat-shaped kindergarten in Karlsruhe, Germany, offers a whimsical playground for the kids, inside and out. Continue reading »

Meet Millie – The Adorable Adopted Cat Is The Most Adventurous Feline Climbing Buddy

Meet Millie. Millie is one of the worlds most awesome cats. Unlike most cats she is one of the most brave and adventourous pets ever. So much so that she loves going on climbing adventures with her owner Craig.

Craig said: “She literally loves to climb things… if there’s high-ground she’ll seek it out,” Armstrong said in an interview with Bored Panda. He had nothing but praise for the tenacious little athlete: “Generally she does best on slabby routes where she can scramble from ledge to ledge. She’s an incredible athlete but steep juggy routes just aren’t her thing. When bouldering, though, she’s done some pretty amazing gaps and dynos.” and “Millie has all the qualities a good climbing partner should have. She never complains, no matter how bad it gets. She takes big risks and doesn’t complain when they don’t pan out.” Continue reading »

Feline Paradise in Taiwan

A cat poses for cameras in Houdong township in Taiwan. Famous for its coal mining industry in the past, the town is now a paradise for cats and a hot spot for cat-loving tourists. Kept by coal miners for catching snakes and mice, the cats are now befriended by local residents and live harmoniously with them in the area, which attracts tourists in great numbers. Cat-themed shops and cafes are popular with the tourists and a cat-related creative industry has been incorporated into the local government’s tourism development program. (Xinhua) Continue reading »