vader » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
vader – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Curiosity Art and WeArtDoing Have Created a Captivating Series That Transforms Famous Pop Culture Icons Into Fluid Artworks

Art Liquid Modernity 01

“Liquid Modernity” by Curiosity Art and WeArtDoing is a captivating series that transforms famous pop culture icons like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, AstroBoy, and Darth Vader into fluid, liquified artworks. Continue reading »

Awesome Star Wars Fan Art By Tsuneo Sanda, Official Lucasfilm & Disney Artist

Artist Tsuneo Sanda was born in Osaka, Japan. He first came to Tokyo at age 23, and has been there ever since. He lives in a rural, residential town about 20km west of Tokyo with his wife, Sachicko, two sons, Kensaku and Sohei, and Vivian, their American Shorthair cat. Continue reading »

“The Empire Against The Crisis”: Darth Vader Forced To Do Odd Jobs

With his series The Empire against the Crisis, the Belgian photographer Michaël Massart stages the bankruptcy of the Galactic Empire, while an unprecedented financial crisis hits the entire galaxy. A difficult situation that forces Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers to do odd jobs. A funny and quirky project around the Star Wars saga, but which also illustrates the difficult and real life of thousands of people. Continue reading »

Chalk Artist Reimagines Darth Vader In Steamy 3D Portrait


If you have always been a little intimidated by the Star Wars’ Darth Vader, artist Chris Carlson’s latest chalk drawing may help you see him from a more light-hearted perspective. Created for the Denver Chalk Art Festival, Carlson’s new piece is a humorous one that depicts the sinister Sith Lord half naked, wearing only his red, polka-dotted underwear. Taking inspiration from Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam, Darth Vader is posing in the exact same position as Adam in the famous painting. Continue reading »

The Daily Life Of Darth Vader In 365-Day Photo Project


“I finished my personal 365 project few weeks ago and almost immediately I decided to start another one. A daily life of Darth Vader portraying the Sith Lord as just a normal guy with everyday life problems.”, said photographer Paweł Kadysz to Bored Panda. Continue reading »

Darth Vader Leads Funeral For Badass Grandmother


Lorna Johnson, a 56-year-old tarot-card-carrying ‘White Witch,’ was laid to rest by a funeral party that included Darth Vader and Beetljuice. The Luton, UK grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer in October of 2014, and died in June of this year. Continue reading »

“Darth Vader And Son” And “Vader’s Little Princess” Figurines

Darth Vader and Son and Vader’s Little Princess are just about the most precious Star Wars books in the galaxy, and now they’ve been turned into equally precious statues. They will be released as numbered limited editions bundled with the book, statue and sketches. You can choose from Vader receiving a Rebel Alliance tie from Luke, Leia punching little hearts out of Vader’s cape, or buy the pair as a special set. Continue reading »

Darth Vader In Disneyland

A little less than two years ago when Disneyland was promoting the new Star Tours attraction, they came out with this very funny video of Darth Vader on vacation at Disneyland. With the big news that dropped on Tuesday, that video has been updated and turned into a cute commercial that fits in with the famous “What Are You Going to Do Next” commercial series.

Since Disney purchased Lucasfilm for $4 billion, Darth Vader went to the happiest place on earth to enjoy the sights and rides at Disneyland, ranging from frolicking in the Dumbo ride to spinning in a tea cup. Continue reading »

The Vader Project

The Vader Project is a reimagining of the iconic Darth Vader helmet curated by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys ( Kelemer and Marks gathered close to 100 of the hottest underground and pop surrealist painters, artists, and designers to participate. For this unique project each artist was given a 1:1 scale authentic prop replica of the actual Darth Vader helmet used in the STAR WARS™ films. The helmets served as a blank canvas for each artist to paint, design, mash up, and customize. Continue reading »