Horrorgami – Papercut Versions of Famous Haunted Houses – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Horrorgami – Papercut Versions of Famous Haunted Houses

Horror-film fan Marc Hagan-Guirey makes papercut versions of famous haunted houses, in a series he called Horrorgami. “When I was growing up, my elder brother and I were really really different characters. And the one thing that really bonded us was horror movies,” says Marc in the short profile film on Paper Dandy. He’s already created four houses from horror films and T.V. shows: The Shining, The Amityville Horror, The Exorcist, and The Addams Family. Each house is made from a single sheet of paper, and he plans to make a total of 13 houses and display them in an exhibition in London. My favorite so far is the Overlook Hotel from The Shining.

The technique Marc uses is called kirigami, which is like origami except the paper is both cut and folded. There are no adhesives used. If you’ve ever made a paper snowflake, then you’ve done kirigami!

The Shining Horrorgami – The Overlook Hotel

The Amityville Horror Horrorgami – 112 Ocean Drive

The Exorcist Horrorgami – The MacNeill Residence

The Addams Family Horrorgami – The Addams Mansion

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