Metal Cats: Hardcore Metal Musicians Pose With Their Cats – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Metal Cats: Hardcore Metal Musicians Pose With Their Cats

Musicians and fans of the metal music community often get a bad rap because of their dark, gruff and tattooed looks. The adorable set of photos published in Metal Cats by Alexandra Crockett sets out to change all that by getting accomplished metal musicians to pose with their feline friends and show off their softer sides.

The people posing in these photos represent bands with names that are anything but cuddly – Napalm Death, Cattle Decapitation, Murder Construct, Skeletonwitch and Lightning Swords Of Death. But despite these fearsome band names and their black leather, spikes, tattoos and muscles, it’s clear that they share a close relationship with their loveable animals just like the rest of us.

What’s even better is that these musicians, most of whom have thousands of supporters worldwide, aren’t just putting their faces behind the cause. A series of benefit concerts will be held along the U.S. West Coast, and the proceeds from these concerts, along with a portion of the book’s proceeds, will go to no-kill animal shelters at each of the four cities visited by the benefit shows.

Credits: Bored Panda