Meet Colombia’s FARC Rebels Preparing For Peace After More Than Half-Century Of Conflict With Government – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Meet Colombia’s FARC Rebels Preparing For Peace After More Than Half-Century Of Conflict With Government

Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

This August 13, 2016 photo shows two portraits of Yeimi, one of her holding a weapon in uniform for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 48th front, and in civilian clothing at a guerrilla camp in the southern jungle of Putumayo, Colombia. Yeimi, 23, said she has spent 10 years with the FARC and would like to study systems after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government. An October 2 national referendum will give voters the chance to approve the deal for ending a half-century of political violence that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and driven millions from their homes.

More info: Fernando Vergara (h/t: yahoo)

Derly, 24, said she’s been with the FARC for nine years and would like to study medicine after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

“As a Colombian photojournalist, I was raised in a modest farming family to despise the rebels my relatives characterized as killers. But watching the guerrillas of the FARC’s southern bloc go about their daily routine as they prepared for peace I began to see them as regular people like myself and I decided to photograph them both in their uniforms and then in their civilian attire to show their more human side,” photographer and journalist Fernando Vergara told Yahoo.

Mayerli, 18, said she has spent four years with the FARC and would like to study nursing after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Carolina, 18, said she has spent three years in the FARC and would like to study engineering after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Rubiela, 32, said she has spent 10 years in the FARC and would like to study dentistry after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Johana, 19, said she’s spent six years in the FARC and would like to study nursing after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Sofia, 19, said she’s spent six years with the FARC, and would like to study law after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Marcela, 28, said she’s spent 13 years in the FARC and would like to finish high school and study photography after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Yiceth, 18, said she’s spent four years with the FARC and wants to finish high school and go on to study nursing after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

Renteria, 18, said she’s been with the FARC for four years and would like to study engineering after demobilizing as part of a peace deal with Colombia’s government:
Photo by AP Photo / Fernando Vergara

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