Miss Universe Contestants Prove Natural Beauty Is Better Than Artificial Beauty – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Miss Universe Contestants Prove Natural Beauty Is Better Than Artificial Beauty

Miss Universe is a yearly international beauty pageant that doesn’t involve anemic models or silicone divas but rather ordinary people like you and me. These girls are naturally beautiful and these “no makeup pictures” prove it. Here: Caris Tiivel, Australia. Designer, 23 years old.

More info: Miss Universe (h/t: brightside)

Rebecca Rath, Belize
Event and restaurant manager, 23 years old

Raquel Pelissier, Haiti
Scientist, 25 years old

Yam Kaspers Anshel, Israel
18 years old

Johanna Acs, Germany
Student, 24 years old

Roshmitha Harimurthy, India
Student, 22 years old

Hildur Maria, Iceland
Flight attendant, 24 years old

Carolina Duran, Costa Rica
Teacher, 27 years old

Jihan Dimack, Tanzania
Secretary, 20 years old

Kushboo Ramnawaj, Mauritania
Scientist, 26 years old

Iris Mittenaere, France
Dentist, 24 years old

Dijana Cvijetic, Switzerland
Model, 23 years old

Connie Jiménez, Ecuador
Engineer, 21 years old

Ntandoyenkosi Kunene, South Africa
Goodwill ambassador, 24 years old