This Bulbous Rain Barrel Design Makes It Easy To Collect Rainwater – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Bulbous Rain Barrel Design Makes It Easy To Collect Rainwater

Raindrop is a rain barrel that makes saving water really easy by providing a watering can that fills up automatically when it rains. This way, the user doesn’t have to fill the can with our precious tap water, but uses ‘free’ rainwater instead. With the small tap at the bottom of the barrel, the watering can can be refilled after using it.

The design has received numerous design awards such as the René Smeets award and was shortlisted for several other prestigious design awards, among which the Melkweg award and the Condé Nast Traveller I&D awards. The Raindrop is the production version of ‘A Drop of Water’, one of Bas van der Veer’s graduation works. The design was taken into production by market-leading pottery label Elho.

More info: Studio Bas van der Veer (h/t: contemporist)

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