Artist Mario Unger Spends 3000 Hours To Colorize Old Black & White Photos Of Famous People » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist Mario Unger Spends 3000 Hours To Colorize Old Black & White Photos Of Famous People – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Mario Unger Spends 3000 Hours To Colorize Old Black & White Photos Of Famous People

Evelyn Nesbit CA 1900

Mario Unger is an Austrian photographer and digital artist whose main work is colorizing and restoring old photographs. The artist says the reason for doing all this work is to reduce the felt distance in time a little bit.

“The reason for doing all of this work was to reduce the felt distance in time a little bit. I love B&W photography, but for some images I think, color is needed and most of B&W photography was done for one reason, there just was no color film!” he told Bored Panda.

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Albert Einstein

Mulberry Street, New York, 1900

Adrienne Ames (“From Hell To Heaven”, 1933)

Walter Catty Allen CA 1900

Maud Wagner CA 1905

Grace Kelly

Humphrey Bogart, “Casablanca”, 1942

Laurel Hardy, UK Tour, 1953

Texas Couple, Early 20th Century, Heavy Restoration


Oscar Wilde

East Side Jewish Market, 1895

Jerome, L.E., 1900

Walt Disney, 1931

In Honor Of A Great Person. Sophia Magdalena Scholl (1921-1943). Executed 75 Years Ago By The Greatest Criminals Humanity Has Ever Seen

Mark Twain

Greta Garbo

Edmund Hillary, 1953

Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski

The Andrews Sisters

Grace Kelly

Tsar Nikolaus II

Mark Twain, 1907

“Arsenic And Old Lace”, 1944

Che Guevara

Hellen Keller

Old Man, 1890

Puppet Designer, 1936

Arthur Conan Doyle, 1922

Mary Badham And Gregory Peck In ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ (1962)

Babe Ruth CA 1920

Silvia Sidney And Henry Fonda In “You Only Live Once” (1937)

Victor Hugo, 1876

Buck Craske By Olive Edis CA 1910

Last Photo Of Oliver Hardy, 1957

Louis And Grace

Colley, Mrs. F. & Bell, Mrs. C.M. 1901

Grace Kelly With Robert Cummings, Famous Bruegel Painting On The Wall

Heffner, Mrs. T.M. 1900

Buffalo Bill, 1906

Grace Kelly

Child CA 1870

Laurel & Hardy, 1933

Rachmaninoff CA 1915

Fridtjof Nansen

Leo Tolstoy, 1897

Boris Karloff As Imhotep In “The Mummy”, 1932

Marilyn Monroe, 1951

Errol Flyn

Toulouse Lautrec

Julie Adams In “Creature From The Black Lagoon”, 1954

Margaret O’Brien (1937-) In “Lost Angel” (1943)

Albert Einstein

Powerhouse, 1920

Greta Garbo

Walt Whitman CA 1860

Kaiser Wilhelm II From Germany

Mickey Rooney, 1930s

Al Grey

Punlun, 1870

Gioacchino Rossini, 1856

Ellen Terry At Age Sixteen, By Julia Margaret Cameron, 1864

Crown Prince Rudolf Of Austria, 1889 (Year Of His Suicide)

“Once Upon A Time”, 1944

Old Tom Morris, 1867

Woman In The White House, 1944

Franz Liszt, 1886

Marlon Brando As Marc Antony, 1953

“Lotion” Tar Bishop

Louis Pasteur By Felix Nadar CA 1890

Jascha Heifetz, 1920

Belcher Johnson By Olive Edis CA 1910

June Allyson CA 1940

Henry Ford

Grace Kelly

Portrait Of The Photographer Dr. George Wharton James (1858-1923) CA 1908

John L. Burns, The Old Hero Of Gettysburg, 1863

Charles Baudelaire, 1853

Enrico Caruso CA 1910

Egon Schiele, 1914

Billy The Kid

Photographer C. M. Bell CA 1890

Walt Whitman, 1858

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 1893, Elephant Hunting, India

Lewis (Powell) Payne Minutes Before He Was Executed, 1865. He Was A Conspirator In The Lincoln Assassination

Stewart Granger CA 1933

C. M. Bell Jung CA 1865

U.S.C.P. 60 Policeman CA 1890

General Oglesby CA 1862

Mercer Washington, Baseball Player, 1896

US Civil War Admiral David Dixon Porter CA 1860

Chaplin And Sousa Not Exactly Fitting The Post, But Sousa Is Wearing A Uniform At Least

Thomas Wodrow Wilson, 1913 -1921

Ed Walsh, 1911

German Naval Officer, WWI, CA 1915

Roger Fenton As “Zuave”, Crimean War, 1856

Martin Van Buren, 1837-1841

James Buchanan, 1857-1861

Rasputin CA 1910

Kaiser Franz Joseph, 1895. The Second To Last Austrian Emporer In His Military Uniform

Gustav Mahler