3-Year-Old Bull Terrier Travels The World With Dutch Photographer Alice van Kempen And Poses For Photographs In Abandoned Buildings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

3-Year-Old Bull Terrier Travels The World With Dutch Photographer Alice van Kempen And Poses For Photographs In Abandoned Buildings

Claire in an abandoned castle in France.

Meet Claire, the 3-year-old bull terrier travels the world with Dutch photographer Alice van Kempen and poses for photographs in abandoned buildings. Van Kempen seeks out abandoned places to photograph in pursuit of her passion for urban exploring, bringing along her globetrotting pooch as her trusted companion.

“Self-taught Dutch photographer Alice van Kempen (1967) was introduced to photography at a very young age. Ever since she can remember she has had a camera in her hand. Best known as a canine photographer, Alice has worked in the business for over 30 years. She was privileged to have photographed some of dogdom’s finest. Her work has been published in canine magazines and books all over the world. The list of awards and nominations won with her photographs is long. Dog Photographer of the Year 2005 – Winner Dog Portrait, Second Prize International Photography Awards (IPA) 2015 Category Pets, First Prize IPA 2017 Category Pets, Smithsonian Photo Contest 2015 – Reader Choice Award, 9th JULIA MARGARET CAMERON AWARD – Runner-up in the category ‘Portraits Series’, Outdoor Photographer of the Year 2016 – Winner Wildlife Insight category, Vincent van Gogh Awards 2017 – Winner of the Public’s Prize to name a few.”

More: Alice van Kempen, Facebook, Instagram

Claire plaiyng the piano in an abandoned Cafe in Luxembourg.

Claire robbing an abandoned cafe in Luxembourg.

Claire in an abandoned doctors house in Belgium.

Claire piloting an abandoned airplane in Belgium.

Claire sewing in an abandoned farmshouse in Belgium.

Claire in an abandoned villa in Belgium.

Claire relaxing in an abandoned house in Luxembourg.

Claire studying in an abandoned school in Belgium.

Claire in an abandoned farmhouse in Belgium.

Claire in an abandoned castle in Belgium.

Claire in an abandoned nursing home in Belgium.

Claire ironing in an abandoned farmhouse in Netherlands.

Claire travelling in an abandoned train in Belgium.

Claire doing the washing an abandoned farmshouse in Netherlands.

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