College Professor Is Making Flower Crowns For Animals And They Look Majestic – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

College Professor Is Making Flower Crowns For Animals And They Look Majestic

The first flower crown college professor Yarely made was for her dog, Australian shepherd Freya. And that one was just for the pup, to take fun photos for Instagram. Well, what started as a simple prop for a picture soon turned into a brand.

The Californian created Freya’s Floral Company that offers a selection of flower crowns for both, people and animals.

“I received such positive feedback that I decided to begin making crowns for other dogs to spread the love,” Yarely said.

The artist uses artificial flowers to construct delicate compositions, even offering custom orders. Yarely claims that every single crown she makes is unique, even the ones made out of the same selection of flowers having different compositions.

More: Instagram, Shop h/t: boredpanda