Stunning Photo Manipulations Of Animals Photoshopped Into The Most Random Things By Les Creatonautes » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Stunning Photo Manipulations Of Animals Photoshopped Into The Most Random Things By Les Creatonautes – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Stunning Photo Manipulations Of Animals Photoshopped Into The Most Random Things By Les Creatonautes

Animals and plants—or nature in general—have always been a huge inspiration to many artists across the world. But have any of us ever tried to imagine what these subjects would look like when combined?

Well, a creative French agency called Les Creatonautes has been quite busy doing just that. This past year they have created a series of digital collages that combine sporting goods, animals, and edible objects all into one, and here’s the result.

Creative images range from a bird with a cow head to a giraffe-guitar and even a strawberry-pig. The group started the said project on January 1st of 2018 and has been publishing “transformations” each day since.

More: Les Creatonautes, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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