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Search Results for “google street” – Page 2 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Meet Ted & Ed, Two Giant Teddy Bears That Are Bringing Positivity To Their Entire Neighborhood During The Pandemic

Day 1

People living in a suburb of Stockport, United Kingdom, have a really good reason to smile about these days. One of their neighbors has been infusing the quarantine with positivity by ‘making’ two giant teddy bears do chores in their yard. Continue reading »

Illustrations Of Pop Culture Characters By EFIX Blend Into Walls And Sidewalks

Thanks to Frencha artist EFIX, it is possible to walk down the street, and to come across, at the bend of a wall, a Pop Culture character who seems to continue on his way or to take a pose, while integrating perfectly into the environment in which he was created. A way of diverting urban elements and transforming them into what the artist sees in them. Continue reading »

Man Uses 11 Shipping Containers To Build His 2,500 Square Foot Dream House, And The Inside Looks Amazing

When it comes to building their dream home, people have a lot of different ideas. Some choose comfortable and small bungalows, others opt for luxurious mansions. However, there a handful of those to decide to ditch the traditional architecture and build something completely different, for instance, a container house. That’s exactly what designer Will Breaux did and now he’s a proud owner of a house built solely out of shipping containers. Continue reading »

The World’s Largest Photography Competition Announced 100 Finalists From Over A Million Entries And Here’s 30 Of Them

Photography has been around for nearly 200 years now and humanity’s fascination with taking pictures has only been growing over the past couple of centuries. Nowadays, it is one of the primary ways to explore and experience the world. In fact, photography is such a big deal that there are now plenty of social media websites dedicated to showing the world all of the cool stuff that we’ve shot. That is beside the multibillion dollar industry and the countless communities that revolve around photography.

EyeEm, one of such communities, are currently holding its annual photography competition—the EyeEm Awards 2019. EyeEm is a photographic community that was formed in 2010 along with the world photography competition. According to the EyeEm Team, over 5,000 photographers from around the globe participated, thus forming the community.

Bimo Pradityo, The Mobile Photographer Category

Gear: Huawei Mate 10 pro Location: Imogiri, Yogyakarta Indonesia “Her name is Mss Ponikem, she is a batik craft maker from Giriloyo, Imogiri, Yogyakarta Indonesia. She’s been making Batik for 35 years. Batik is one of Indonesia heritage legacy in fashion.” Continue reading »

Russian Artist Pokras Lampas Takes Over Times Square New York

Pokras Lampas was born in Korolyov, Russia.

He is one of the most distinguished representatives of contemporary calligraphy in the world. He started creating graffiti in 2008 and shortly after was inspired by the ‘Calligraffiti’ movement. Later, Pokras Lampas was invited to become an official Calligraffiti ambassador whilst working on his self-developed ‘Calligrafuturism’ style and technique. He is particularly involved in street art projects, exhibitions and other related projects since 2013 and regularly works with major Russian and international brands. Recently, Pokras Lampas started to collaborate with high fashion brands and developed a menswear collection. Continue reading »

These 50 Town Names In The USA Sound Like A Joke But They’re All Real

Satan’s Kingdom, Massachusettsstreet view

If you ever wished to travel across the United States of America, you probably have a good idea of what places you’d visit. While most would aim for capital cities and urban giants like the Big Apple New York or Los Angeles with Hollywood Boulevard and Santa Monica Beach, there are some lesser known, but interesting places to add into your list. Continue reading »

Real Glitches In The Matrix That Will Freak You Out

Have you ever been in a situation when you look at someone and you feel like you’re looking in a mirror? You definitely have if you have an identical twin brother or sister, but if you don’t, seeing another person who looks like or is dressed like you can make you feel like the universe is a skipping CD. Continue reading »

Travel Times To Cities Around The World

From Britain to China to Mali, new maps showing travel times to the nearest urban centre reveal huge differences between countries. Using Open Street Map and Google, a University of Oxford team have created a visual breakdown that suggests major inequalities when it comes to commuting.

China. The dataset used for China was unique as it relied solely on Open Street Map, due to restrictions on accessing Google data. The population is densely concentrated in the east and accessibility is increased, whereas rural provinces in the west remain remote. (Photo by Daniel Weiss/Jennifer Rozier/Malaria Atlas Project/University of Oxford) Continue reading »

Pokemon Go Craze In South Korea


South Koreans play Pokemon Go on July 15, 2016 in Sokcho, South Korea. South Korea is not one of the initial Pokemon Go released countries, nor is the game likely to be released officially any time soon as the South Korean government does not allow Google to use its map; however, South Korean game enthusiasts are now visiting a handful of loophole areas in the north eastern side of the country near the border of North Korea to join the global frenzy of Pokemon Go. Continue reading »

India To Use 3D Paintings As Speed Breakers To Slow Down Dangerous Drivers

Barcroft Media

Would you slow down if you were driving towards what looked like a floating pedestrian crossing? We certainly would, and India’s transport minister Nitin Gadkari hopes that millions of other people will too. That’s why he’s proposing the use of these 3D paintings as an alternative form of speed-breaker. And as you can see from the pictures below, these optical illusions are sure to catch your attention. Continue reading »

Cool Cartography: The Art Of Mapmaking

Mind the Map, a new collection of artwork published by Gestalten, shows the skill, humour and care involved in map design, including one depicting New York’s smells, and a meticulously hand-painted ski map.

Whistler village, Canada, by James Niehues

One of the most prolific ski-trail mapmakers at work, Niehues is known for extreme attention to detail, giving unique form, structure and shadows to trees, or adding cars to resort parking lots. He usually begins by gathering images of his subject from various angles, including archival photos and flying around the area at various elevations. A medium-size ski resort takes two to four days to sketch and seven to 10 days to paint. Larger regions have taken weeks. Continue reading »

Mexico’s Mural Art is Getting a Modern Makeover

In this September 1, 2015 photo, a mural by Beatriz Avila Haro from the Street Art Chilango cooperative, decorates the exterior wall of Delirio restaurant in the Roma Norte neighborhood of Mexico City. Murals and street art have a long history in Mexico. Beginning in the 1920’s, Diego Rivera, David Siqueiros, and Jose Orozco painted public buildings with social and political messages, establishing murals as a pre-eminent Mexican art form. (Photo by Rebecca Blackwell/AP Photo)
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House in Black

Haus in Schwarz (House in Black) was a 2008 public art piece by artists Erik Sturm und Simon Jung in the city center of Möhringen, Germany. The piece was meant as a farewell to the building which was slated for demolition, with the matte black paint acting as a sort of final curtain to an exterior that had recently been used by numerous street artists, shown below.

After demolition, the owner, art gallery manager Karin Abt-Straubinger built a new gallery (but the House in Black still haunts Google Maps). Continue reading »