hilarious » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
hilarious – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Hilarious LEGO Sets Generated by AI

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When you ask artificial intelligence to come up with new LEGO set designs, what do you get? Exactly what you requested is delivered to you. Continue reading »

Despite Its AI Bot’s Claimed Capability to Generate Motivational Images, the Outcome Is Absolutely Hilarious

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With the help of artificial intelligence, InspiroBot (previously) can create an endless supply of one-of-a-kind inspirational quotes to elevate human life. But as a result of its efforts, many people are left bewildered or laughing uncontrollably because the outcomes are so absurdly dark or seemingly random. Continue reading »

Artist Combines Dry Humor with Adopted Cat’s Attitude in Hilarious Drawings


Cats have a way of captivating our hearts and minds, and for many artists, they serve as the perfect muse. Instagram account @st.aftercigs is one such artist, who has gained a following of 190,000 people with their humorous and sassy illustrations of a cat doing human-like things. The artist, who adopted a cat in early 2021, was inspired by the cat’s grumpy and sassy attitude, and decided to blend it with their own sarcastic nature in the illustrations. Continue reading »

Hilariously Unapologetic Comics By Domien Delforge

Domien Delforge is a Belgian artist who isn’t afraid to laugh at anything – and his comics reflect that. The artist creates short funny comics that deal with all sorts of topics, ranging from self-love to consent, and his comics are hilariously unapologetic. Continue reading »

Hilariously Bad Celebrity Portraits by Twitter Picasso

Australian “artist” Twitter Picasso creates ballpoint celebrity portraits and they are terrible. The illustrations are so bad, they are actually good. Continue reading »

The Funniest Marathon Signs

Whether it’s mile 2 or 22, we all need a pick-me-up at some point in the race. Funny, inspiring, and hilariously awkward signs often provide exactly that. These signs listed below are among the very best we’ve seen – for various reasons. Continue reading »

These Funnily Terrible Portraits Of Famous People Drawn By This ‘Artist’ Are Awfully ‘Accurate’

There lives a guy in Italy named Matteo Carta. During his work hours, he’s a wedding photographer but in his free time, he’s an aspiring celebrity portrait artist. He uploads his portraits to Instagram and Twitter, and he gets fairly decent attention for his works. Continue reading »

Hilariously Threatening Warning Signs

Signs are supposed to have the most basic of practical purposes. They can give directions, for example, or give the name of a street or place. Perhaps they are there to warn us of a potential hazard up ahead. Sometimes though, a warning sign can be hilarious and scary at the same time. Continue reading »

“If It’s Not Funny It’s Art”: Brilliant Drawings By Demetri Martin

Demetri Martin is an American actor, director, cartoonist and comedian best known for his deadpan delivery, playing his guitar for jokes, and his satirical cartoons. Continue reading »

Hilarious Questions Posed To The New York Public Library Pre-Internet

Now that we have the internet, we have access to pretty much all the information we could ever need. Before there was Google, people used their local public library. And not just because libraries are full of books. Librarians were specially trained to help people find information, or to simply answer a question themselves. Featured below are some of the funniest examples. Continue reading »

Comedian Creates Hilarious Fake Products And Places Them In Stores

Comedian Jeff Wysaski (previously) creates brilliant funny product parodies and distributes them in local stores. Why? For the lulz, of course. Continue reading »

Hilarious Personal Computer Ads From The 1980s

It’s the early eighties, and the computer was finally entering the home in a big way. Of course, most of us had no idea how to use these things … and software and hardware companies were only too quick to tell us exactly what we needed to buy. Whether it was a dot matrix printer for the home or word processing software for small businesses, the booming eighties economies meant a seemingly unlimited supply of consumers rabidly gobbling up any tech put before them. So, let’s have a look at few items for sale… Continue reading »

Crocodile Trying To Do Things In Hilarious Sketches By The Japanese Illustrator Keigo

Japanese illustrator Keigo has created a series of the daily of struggles that each crocodile faces in its daily life. Turns out having a huge snout isn’t exactly convenient. Continue reading »

Comedian Creates Hilarious Fake Signs, Places Them All Around Los Angeles

Comedian and video editor Alan Wagner has created a number of flyers posted around Los Angeles. Continue reading »

Hilarious Dark Humor Retro Illustrations By Steven Rhodes

Steven Rhodes is an Australian artist, illustrator, and graphic designer. His original illustrative style is spiced up by a dark sense of humor. Featured below are some of his best works. Continue reading »

Artist Grace Gogarty Makes Hilarious Guide To Dog Breeds That Will Help You Choose Your Next Dog

There are so many dog breeds, it’s incredibly easy to mistake one pooch for another. Luckily, St. Louis-based artist Grace Gogarty has created a comprehensive comic series that will help you identify most doggos. Continue reading »

HIlarious Photos Of Ice Skaters’ Funny Faces At Winter Olympics

Photographs of figure skaters caught mid-jump at the Winter Olympics show the hilarious effects gravity has on their faces. Continue reading »

This Family Shares Strange Results Of Hilarious Photo Shoot

A Missouri family has shared the hilarious results from a ‘professional’ photo shoot that went horribly wrong. In May 2017, the Zaring family was contacted by a middle-aged woman who marketed herself as an experienced professional photographer. Continue reading »

The Comedy Wildlife 2017 Unveils The Hilarious Photos Of The Winners

Here are the winning photos of the Comedy Wildlife 2017, this contest rewarding the most funny and offbeat animal photos! After the finalists announced a few weeks ago, here are the big winners of the world’s most crazy photo contest, selected from thousands of photos.

OVERALL WINNER 2017 “Help” by Tibor Kercz. © Tibor Kercz/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards. WINNER of Amazing Internet Portfolio prize for his sequence of 4 Owl images. Continue reading »

Hilarious Illustrations By Nacho Díaz Arjona

This is some work by hilarious and talented t-shirt illustrator Nacho Díaz Arjona. He seems to love taking everyday objects and situations and putting them into bizarre situations. His portfolio is a perfect combination of cuteness and morbidity… but always funny. Continue reading »

“Zwei Katzen”: Hilarious Cats Calendar By Otávio Santiago

Clarinha (from Poland) and Tubarão (from Russia), are two cats that met in the bohemian Berlin and have a great lifestyle together. Their best moments were captured by their friend Otávio Santiago in this funny calendar. These cats are having amazing adventures together, aren’t they? Continue reading »

Hilarious Snaps Of The Unfortunate Brides Upstaged By Animals On Their Wedding

Fabio Mirulla

Its your big day, youve spent months planning every last detail of your wedding and youre just about to capture the moment perfectly on camera whenyoure upstaged by a grinning donkey. At least thats what happened to these poor couples who were dramatically photobombed by a whole host of camera-hogging animals on their special day. Continue reading »

Photographer Mark Taylor Captures Hilarious Photos Of Pet Doppelgängers Sharing The Same Colors

These “snapcats” have found their bunny doppelgängers in a series of sweet photo shoots. Animal photographer Mark Taylor, from Surrey, England, and his assistants have scoured the UK to bring together carbon-copy rabbits and cats.

Blue-point Birman-cross kitten dozing with fluffy bunny.

Mark Taylor/Warren Photographic

Sharing details such as fur and eye color, seating positions, startled expressions, and even matching markings on their noses, the cute animals look as if they came from the same litter. Some of them also appear to be the best of friends, with the pairs cuddling up to and even lying on top of each other. Continue reading »

Hilarious Vintage X-Rated Movie Posters From Your Dad’s Era

In a day and age where sex is literally at our fingertips, where we can see x-rated pictures and films in the privacy of our own bedrooms (or even bathrooms), it’s hard to imagine that at one point in time people had to venture out into public in order to see porn. Continue reading »

Be The Envy Of Baggage Claim With This Hilarious Custom Selfie Cover

You’ve tied on a little piece of coloured ribbon and you’ve spent a load of money on that mad clingfilm machine… only to discover that everyone else has done exactly the same thing. Continue reading »