pandemic – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Heroes: Portraits Of 35 Frontline Workers That We Turned Into A Billboard In The Center Of Warsaw

“We are a group of 5 Polish photographers who form the Nanga Pictures photo collective. Composed of of the collective consists of: Sławek Kamiński, Aleksander Majdański, Mirosław Pieślak, Marta Rybicka and Maciej Stanik. Continue reading »

Artist Fights With Lockdown Depression By Making Comics That Comment On The Pandemic

Dating Apps Got You Down?

According to Jessica Bhatia: “I could have reached for that millionth bag of Oreos. I could have reached for the TV remote. Instead, I reached for my trusty mechanical pencil and created these comics for your entertainment pleasure! I hope one of my comics can make you smile today. Continue reading »

Artist Made These Fantasy Themed Illustrations During The Pandemic To Keep Some Optimism And Colorfulness In The Grim Reality

According to Jovana Trajanova: “Soon after the pandemic started, I found myself too scared and paranoid to do anything just like everyone else. Go to the market, see a friend, do anything that was my life before. Continue reading »

Stunning Winning Photos Of Wellcome Photography Prize 2021

Here are the winners of “Wellcome Photography Prize 2021”. Our two winners for 2021 are ‘Untangling’, Jameisha Prescod’s picture of herself knitting to block out her depression during lockdown, and ‘Trans Woman: Between Colour and Voice’, Yoppy Pieter’s series chronicling how the Covid-19 pandemic has made life harder for trans women in Indonesia.

The two winning entries were chosen by a diverse panel of judges from more than 10,000 images submitted from all over the world. Entries spanned six categories: Managing Mental Health series and single image, Fighting Infections series and single image, and Health in a Heating World series and single image.

The other category winners show volunteers disinfecting a theatre near the origin of the first Covid-19 outbreak, a man struggling to survive in the aftermath of a cyclone, a fantasy of depression as a sinister, ever-present fish, and a community whose fertile wetlands have turned to desert.

Managing Mental Health (single image): Untangling by Jameisha Prescod

“The isolation of lockdown exacerbated London film maker Jameisha Prescod’s depression, as she spent most of her time in the concentrated chaos of this room. “It’s where I work a full-time job, eat, sleep, catch up with friends and most importantly cry.” Before long, she felt like she was “drowning in the clutter”. For escape, she turned to knitting, which helps to soothe her mind. It may not be a cure, but it does at least put “everything else on pause” for a while.” Continue reading »

Content Producer Lost Her Job During The Pandemic, So She Started Drawing

According to Kelley Hudson: “During the pandemic, I lost my job as a content producer and was unable to find work in that field for almost a year. Forced to relocate away from our home in Southern California to Spokane, Washington where my husband finally found work, I didn’t know what to do with a young child at home and a new town full of people we didn’t know (and really couldn’t get to know). Continue reading »

Japanese Town Looks to Giant Squid Sculpture for Its Post-Pandemic Fortunes

When the Japanese government handed out millions of yen to local authorities to help revitalise the country’s post-pandemic economy it gave no stipulation as to how the money should be spent. A monumental sculpture of a goggle-eyed pink squid might not have been what was envisaged however. Continue reading »

Photo Series Shows Pandemic Emotions, Starts Mental Health Talks

Following a deeply personal loss, Donna Bridgewater, a photographer and lecturer based in Birmingham, United Kingdom, started a local photography project that captures strangers on the street revealing their personal thoughts and feelings on living in a pandemic world. Continue reading »

20 Award-Winning Photos Capture the Terror and Beauty of Giving Birth During the Pandemic

Childbirth was already an incredibly difficult and painful process that required strength and tenacity. But the pandemic added an entirely new layer to giving birth in 2020.

While the childbirth photographers that capture these precious moments lost much of their work last year, the images that were captured only emulated the beauty of new life amid so much grief.

The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IABPB) announced the winners of their annual birth photo competition this month. The entries from across the globe were judged in five categories: birth details, labor, delivery, postpartum, and Fresh 48 (which documents the first few hours of life).

Best in category: delivery. “The Greatest Love In The World,” by Anne Lucy Silva Barbosa of Anne Lucy Fotografia who lives in Brazil. (Anne Lucy Silva Barbosa/Anne Lucy Fotografia) Continue reading »

“Calm Before the Storm”: Photographer Captured Nightlife in Wuhan Market Before Pandemic

Back in 2016, in a time when, if we had been told what would happen in 2020, we probably wouldn’t have believed it. The Milanese photographer and art director Alessandro Zanoni lived in Wuhan, a Chinese city that absolutely everyone knows since a few months. From his apartment, the artist observed each evening the market which formed the pattern of the city’s nightlife, its stalls full of goods and its sellers, sometimes alone on their stand, late in the night. Continue reading »

One Nail – One Death: Monument to the German Victims of COVID-19 in Münster

In the cathedral in Schwäbisch Gmünd, a work of art made of thousands of nails commemorates those who died in the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading »

As the World Plunges Into the Flames of The Pandemic, Thousands of People at The Halloween Parade in Wuhan

Getty Images

Halloween revelers flocked to an amusement park in Wuhan, China, to celebrate the spooky holiday less than a year after the deadly coronavirus began infecting people in the city before spreading across the globe. The crowds, dressed in costumes including pirates, superheroes and zombie nurses, celebrated by watching a parade at Happy Valley Wuhan amusement park, photos of the scene show.

Domestic tourists have returned to Wuhan in recent months as China says they’ve turned a corner in their fight against the virus. Continue reading »

“Strength”: Street Artist Painted 3 Murals On A Local Hospital As A Tribute To Spain’s Health Workers

Social Distancing

Pejac (previously), real name Silvestre Santiago, is a Spanish painter and street artist whose works include outdoor murals, often utilising trompe-l’œil techniques. Santiago was born in Santander, Cantabria, Spain in 1977. He studied fine art, first at Salamanca, then Barcelona, and finally at Accademia di Belle Arti di Milano “Brera”. He worked at Norway’s NuArt Festival in 2015. The same year, he painted site-specific works in Hong Kong and Tokyo. He has also worked in the Husn refugee camp in Amman, Jordan, creating silhouette images by scraping paint off old walls. As of 2014, he was again living in Santander. Continue reading »

Santa Wants to Keep You and His Friends at The North Pole Safe This Christmas so He’s Wearing a Mask

Santa is an iconic symbol of Christmas, and that’s why Santa Christmas ornaments have become so popular. Santa Claus ornaments come in many shapes and sizes, but all of them capture the jolly round personality of the character we all associate with snow, reindeer and presents. Old World Christmas has a large collection, and you won’t want to miss these glass Santa ornaments this Ho-Ho-Holiday! Continue reading »

Photographer Michal Zahornacky Creates Minimalistic Architectural Collages Inspired By The Current Pandemic Situation

Michal Zahornacky is professional fine art photographer from Slovakia.

The main role in his photography plays the human. He mainly focuses on fine-art and conceptual portraits. He brings thoughts and moods to his photographs which he always shows in unclear imagination. Continue reading »

This Artist Draws Comics To Blow Off Some Steam During The Coronavirus Pandemic

According to Mark Zukor: “Who says you can’t have a little fun during dark times? Certainly not me. That’s why, to blow off some steam during the pandemic, I’ve been making cartoons about my experience. Continue reading »

British Illustrator Showed The Impact Of The Coronavirus Pandemic On New Yorkers

Not long after the coronavirus landed in the U.S., New York emerged as the epicenter of the pandemic. Continue reading »

COVID LATAM: Latin American Photographers Document The Pandemic


One virus; 18 ways of seeing the world. Covid Latam is a collective project documenting the coronavirus pandemic as it unfolds across Latin America. Photographers – 9 men and 9 women – are working in 13 countries: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Venezuela, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Cuba and Mexico to document the unfolding story of the pandemic through the Covid Latam instagram account. Continue reading »

Artist Creates 17 Illustrations To Reflect On Our Lives During The COVID-19 Crisis

According to TYH Tang Yau Hoong: “The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, and perhaps this is an opportune moment to reflect on our lives. Quarantine, lockdown, social distancing, work from home are the new normal in 2020, and this pandemic taught us, humans, so many lessons. Continue reading »

Meet Ted & Ed, Two Giant Teddy Bears That Are Bringing Positivity To Their Entire Neighborhood During The Pandemic

Day 1

People living in a suburb of Stockport, United Kingdom, have a really good reason to smile about these days. One of their neighbors has been infusing the quarantine with positivity by ‘making’ two giant teddy bears do chores in their yard. Continue reading »

Swiss Village Has Been Projecting World Flags Onto One Of Their Tallest Mountains In Solidarity Of Pandemic

Rather than raising a flag up on a flag pole, the nation of Switzerland is paying homage to their international neighbors struggling against COVID-19 by projecting different world flags onto the front of Matterhorn, the most iconic Alpine mountain. Continue reading »

Explaining The Worst Pandemics In History

A somber episode of After Skool tells the history of the world’s worst pandemics and explains what we can learn from them using a combination of whiteboard illustrations and historical photos. Continue reading »

Historical Photos Of The 1918 Spanish Flu That Show What A Global Pandemic Looked Like In The 1910s

California, 1918. The 1918 Spanish flu killed up to 50 million people around the world and has been called “the mother of all pandemics”.

Between 1918 and 1919, an outbreak of influenza spread rapidly across the world, and killed more than 50 million—and possibly as many as 100 million—people within 15 months. Continue reading »

Influenza Pandemic. World’s History. 1918.

Policemen in Seattle wear masks during the 1918 influenza pandemic.

Officials feared mass hysteria in major cities. Citizens were urged to stay indoors and avoid congested areas. Here, policemen patrol the streets to ensure public safety. Continue reading »