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Kenze Wee’s Cyberpunk Pixel Art Creations

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Kenze Wee, a Singaporean digital artist, crafts moody, cyberpunk-inspired pixel art scenes. Continue reading »

The Superb Pixel Art Illustrations by Pinar Gökoglu


Pınar Gökoglu, or Cinnamon Chuck as she is known online, is a Turkish artist who creates amazing pixel art with vivid colors, rich details and playful imagination. Continue reading »

The Unwavering Charm of Pixel Art by Milos


In today’s digital landscape, characterized by high-definition graphics and realistic 3D models, there is an art form that stands out as unique and captivating — pixel art. Continue reading »

Absolutely Amazing Pixel Art Portraits by Hatayosi


Hatayosi (ヨシミツ), an incredibly talented artist from Japan, uses Windows Paint to craft amazing caricatures of celebrities in a unique 8-bit style. The level of creativity and skill displayed in each of Hatayosi’s works is truly awe-inspiring. Continue reading »

Meet Romain Courtois, an Artist Who Creates Modern Pixel Art with a Vintage Twist


Romain Courtois is a French illustrator and art director whose exceptional talent for pixel art has caught the eye of many art enthusiasts. His unique style of 8-bit artwork draws heavily from old school video games of the early ’80s and ’90s, paying tribute to those classic games while also adding his own modern flair. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Pixel-Art Game Scenes Inspired By The Most Adored Movies And TV Series Of The Past

The Princess Bride

According to Gustavo Viselner (previously featured): “What would a “Stand by Me” point and click adventure game look like? Or a “Forrest Gump” runner? Continue reading »

Amazing Nostalgic Pixelart Animations by Gerardo Quiroz


Gerardo Quiroz aka Kirokaze is the Peruvian digital artist who specializes in pixelart animations and has a tremendous portfolio. Although he is a bit far from the “nostalgic” pixelart that I usually follow, visiting his portfolio is definitely worth it. Continue reading »

This Artist Creates Superb Minimalist Pixel Artworks


The artwork of a Ukrainian artist that goes by a nickname Viter Stepoviy can be recognized by its pixel art style. Most of it was made in Kharkiv under the shelling. Continue reading »

Street Artist Makes Mario Mosaics Where He Cosplays As Different Characters

According to IN THE WOUP, a French street artist based in Lyon: “I’ve been a street artist for over 10 years. My work has always been inspired by the Geekdom and its infinite wealth. Raised by video games and the “club Dorothée” (French cartoon show), I subsequently quenched my thirst for fantasy through books, movies, manga, and board games… In short, everything that came to my hands! Continue reading »

The Incredible Atmospheric Pixel Artworks by The Russian Artist Eugenia Goncharova

“Hi, my name is Eugenia Goncharova, known as 6VCR. I’m an illustrator, concept artist, 2D animator and cashew eater from Kaliningrad, Russia.” Continue reading »

The 8Bit Deck (Red Back): A Pixel Art Playing Card Deck

The 8Bit Deck is back with a fresh new look! The new iteration features red backs and a gold foil embossed tuck box! Continue reading »

The Moody, Mysterious World Of Pixel Artist, Illustrator And Videographer APO

Pixel artist, illustrator and videographer APO depicts worlds both familiar and strange in his pixel artworks. Influenced by works like Blade Runner and Ghibli movies he watched in his youth, APO’s subjects range from realistic urban landscapes and beautiful natural scenery, to cyberpunk and science-fiction vignettes. Continue reading »

The Chill And Retro Motion Pixel Art Of Motocross Saito

Pixel artist, designer, DJ and track maker Motocross Saito creates memorable GIF animations in a retro style, channeling ’80s and ’90s culture and music, with a focus on hip hop. Although he has been introduced internationally as the “loneliness GIF” artist, as Motocross Saito explains in this interview with CNN Japan, what he is really aiming for in his animated GIF pixel art is to “express a feeling that can soothe your mind, create a calming effect.” Continue reading »

A Group Of Russian Artists Have Created The Ultimate Virtual Reality Project

The Russian project “Defected Pixel” is causing quite a stir online, in fact it’s gone viral. The creators combine real photos with pixelated objects, including a man smoking, a gramophone, food…even the sky has been given the eight-bit treatment. Continue reading »