King Of Wasp Discovered In Indonesia » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
King Of Wasp Discovered In Indonesia – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

King Of Wasp Discovered In Indonesia

A new species of wasp has been discovered in Indonesia. University of California Researchers discovered the new wasp during a scientific expedition in the Mekongga Mountains in southeastern Sulawesi, Indonesia. The wasp is two-and-a-half-inches long and has a huge jaw. The weirdest thing about the wasp is its jaw is actually larger than its legs.

The new species of wasp belongs to the genus Dalara and family Crabronidae. The researchers have named the species Garuda, after the national symbol of Indonesia.

Researchers believe that the large jaws could probably play a major role in defence and reproduction. They found that in another species in the genus the males hang out at the nest entrance. This serves to protect the nest from parasites and nest robbing and for this he exacts payment from the female by mating with her every time she returns to the nest. So it is a way of guaranteeing paternity, researchers says. Additionally, the jaws are big enough to wrap around the female’s thorax and hold her during mating.