Shopper Finds ‘Cry for Help’ Label Sewn into £10 Primark Dress – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Shopper Finds ‘Cry for Help’ Label Sewn into £10 Primark Dress


Rebecca Gallagher was horrified to find a hand-stitched label reading “forced to work exhausting hours” sewn into the floral sundress. She has now vowed never to wear her bargain find for fear it could be the result of exploitative labour.


Disturbed by what she saw as a “cry for help” from a possible overseas sweatshop, Rebecca called Primark for an explanation but said she “was put on hold for 15 minutes before being cut off”.


Primark’s fast fashion model is loved by bargain-hunting shoppers but has been criticised by campaigners who believe it exploits workers overseas. Primark was one of the brands that sourced clothing from the Rana Plaza factory which collapsed in 2013 killing more than 1,100 people. It has since pledged up to £8m in compensation.


Rebecca says the incident at the Swansea branch of the shop has made her think more carefully about where her bargain buys come from: “To be honest I’ve never really thought much about how the clothes are made.”


Rebecca Jones, 21, from Porthcawl in South Wales who has revealed how she found a label reading: “Degrading sweatshop conditions” on a dress she bought from a Primark Store in Swansea. This comes days after Rebecca Gallagher, 25, first spotted a label reading: “Forced to work exhausting hours” next to the washing instruction of her bargain top on a dress she bought from the same store.

Source: Mirror