American Apparel’s New 62 Year-old Lingerie Mode – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

American Apparel’s New 62 Year-old Lingerie Mode

Meet the rad­dest 62-year-old ever. No seri­ously, we’re not even jok­ing. The face of Amer­i­can Apparel’s lat­est lin­gerie ad cam­paign, Jacky O’Shaughnessy, will make you wish she was your grandma. With glo­ri­ous sil­ver locks and envi­able pins, this con­fi­dent cat proves sex­i­ness needn’t expire when you get your seniors card.

In other news, although usu­ally a lit­tle more vanilla with their cam­paigns, Bar­neys New York has also adopted a more inspi­ra­tional approach with 17 trans­gen­der mod­els from around the globe fea­tured in their spring 2014 cat­a­logue. These brands get­tin’ a lit­tle bit bold kinda makes us wanna hi-five them… and invite Jacky over for a cuppa — what a babe.

Credits: Fashion Journal