Broken – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007



“My name is Pieter van den Heuvel and I work as a freelance creative and copywriter. In my spare time I’m also an illustrator.

Ever since I read Tim Burton’s short stories and Shaun Tan’s beautiful work I’ve been writing and illustrating books myself. I haven’t tried to publish one of them yet, but I’m sure that paper version will come, one day.
Broken is a short story about broken beings. Literally and sometimes metaphorically. I always thought that there is something both sad and extremely cute about animals wearing plaster casts and I really wanted to make a story that plays with those two emotions.

I made the book in the same week my wisdom teeth were removed, which might explain its dark ending. On the other hand, I just like to surprise people with a story that literally goes into every direction until it lands right in your face.” – Pieter van den Heuvel.


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