Using Pencil on Paper, Talented British Artist Steph Morris Creates Incredibly Lifelike Drawings of Iconic Sneakers – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Using Pencil on Paper, Talented British Artist Steph Morris Creates Incredibly Lifelike Drawings of Iconic Sneakers


With pencil on paper, talented British artist Steph Morris creates amazing realistic drawings of iconic sneakers. She combines her love for shoes with her precise drawing skills, and turns these common fashion items into stunning visual artworks.

Her illustrations look so lifelike that they seem like high-resolution photos at a quick glance. But if you examine them more closely, you can see every careful pencil mark she made.

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Stephfmorris 341182094 3342477892658491 5541397773781711236 N
Stephfmorris 348487011 1391596871413636 4923212761194880672 N

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