29 Clever Illustrations That Show The Differences Between Copywriters And Art Directors – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

29 Clever Illustrations That Show The Differences Between Copywriters And Art Directors

In the late 1950s, advertising legend Bill Bernbach came up with the idea of pairing art directors and copywriters into teams. The strategy worked and DDB ended up creating some of the most iconic work of that era. Since then, the art-copy team structure came into existence at most, if not all, agencies. They may be working towards a common goal, but as a creative species, copywriters and art directors are not all that similar. Their differences are best highlighted on a Facebook page titled ‘CW Versus AD’ where Caio Pena (art director), Henrique Parada (art director) and Letícia Hanower (copywriter) share their cool, quirky illustrations on this subject.

More info: Facebook (h/t: digitalsynopsis)

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