Brazilian Artist Tullius Heuer Creates Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Brazilian Artist Tullius Heuer Creates Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page

This talented self-taught Brazilian artist Tullius Heuer creates amazing digital artworks that seem to want to jump off the page. He masterfully blends his pencil art simulations with real photos in his magical three-dimensional manipulations and the results leave us wondering what would happen if drawings came to life. His exquisite illusions take an average of 9 to 10 hours to complete and the touch of surrealism makes them both fascinating and spooky.

More: Tullius Heuer, Instagram, Facebook, DeviantArt h/t: boredpanda

The Maceió-based artist discovered his passion and undeniable talent for digital art by chance.

“I discovered Photoshop at 17 for fun, without even imagining that I could become a professional in the field. The Living Sketches project came about when I was attending a famous art contest site called Worth1000, where I learned to stimulate my creativity,” Heuer told Bored Panda.

The 29-year-old artist who has a degree in the IT field decided to immerse into his art full-time after realizing the great opportunities that are looming in his life.

“When I learned that Bored Panda shared my art, it made me very happy, and soon, great opportunities began to appear,” said the artist.

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