Artist Draws Wholesome Watercolor Comics Where A Cat Is Giving Out Mental Health Advice – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Draws Wholesome Watercolor Comics Where A Cat Is Giving Out Mental Health Advice

Artist Hector Janse van Rensburg aka ‘Shitty Watercolour’ aka ‘Swatercolour’ is making us happier and our lives more wholesome with his comics that feel like miniature hugs and feature a meowtivational cat. The UK-based painter has become a global phenomenon and is now known as the world’s favorite self-deprecating artist.

More: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Patreon h/t: boredpanda

“The comics that came before this series were less optimistic, and this series is a bit like a response to that. They sometimes approach difficult issues like mental health, but the aim of the comics is not to solve the issues but to show a different perspective on them. That new perspective often comes from the cat, who is based on my cat Ona who passed away a few years ago,” Hector told Bored Panda about his newest work.

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