Graphic Artist Turns One-Star Reviews Of National Parks Into Great Posters – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Graphic Artist Turns One-Star Reviews Of National Parks Into Great Posters

Acadia National Park

Graphic artist Amber Share has heard your cries of boredom and used them as inspiration to create brand new tourism ads for America’s National Parks. Here are a few of her posters that are sure to make anyone comfortable settling on a staycation instead of camping this year.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

North Cascades National Park Washington State

“I’m an illustrator and I have always had a personal goal to draw all 62 US National Parks, but I wanted to find a unique twist for these poster designs. When I found that there are one-star reviews for every single park, the idea for Subpar Parks was born. For each park, I hand-letter a line from the one-star reviews alongside my illustration of each park as my way of putting fun and beautiful twist on the negativity,” Amber told Bored Panda.

Snowdonia National Park

“I had been wanting to draw all of the national parks, but wanted to find a way to add a bit of a twist to make it different from the other park illustrations already out there. I stumbled upon the one star reviews online, and the drawing idea just came to me! I came to illustration by way of hand lettering, so finding words I could incorporate into the beautiful nature illustrations really helped the project come together.”

Lake District National Park

“When it comes to my favorite park to draw and it’s review so far I think it was Arches, which is why I did that one first! I don’t really know that I have a least favorite – they’ve all been so fun and different to draw so far and has really made me appreciate the diversity of beautiful views in the US! Yellowstone’s Grand Prismatic Spring was definitely the most difficult of these cool posters, because it was so hard to capture (which makes that review even funnier!).”

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park

“Sometimes I find the perfect review really quickly for my nature drawings, and other times I have to dig through several different review sites before I find the right one. It all depends on the park. I try to avoid any reviews about the park management or upkeep, and stick solely to reviews that have to do with the actual nature, because I think the audacity of criticizing earth is what keeps the project light.”

Jasper National Park

“Each illustration took about 5-6 hours of work depending on the park. So far Cuyahoga Valley took the longest because it was tough to get the waterfall just right!”

Banff National Park

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Pacific Rim National Park

Yoho National Park

Hot Springs National Park

Wind Cave National Park

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

Biscayne National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Indiana Dunes National Park

Voyageurs National Park

Dry Tortugas National Park

Congaree National Park

Katmai National Park & Preserve

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve

Kings Canyon National Park

Virgin Islands National Park

Mesa Verde National Park

Great Basin National Park

Kobuk Valley National Park

Petrified Forest National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve

Redwoods National Park

Canyonlands National Park

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Channel Islands National Park

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park

Lake Clark National Park & Preserve

Everglades National Park

Mammoth Cave National Park

Gateway Arch National Park

Kenai Fjords National Park

National Park of American Samoa

Badlands National Park

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Mount Rainier National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park

White Sands National Park

Crater Lake National Park

Glacier National Park

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