When Vegetables Tell a Story: Exploring Allen Shaw’s ‘Killer’ Tomato Illustrations – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

When Vegetables Tell a Story: Exploring Allen Shaw’s ‘Killer’ Tomato Illustrations

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Berlin-based illustrator Allen Shaw recently shared a unique experience that blends culinary moments with artistic inspiration. It all started with a routine kitchen task: cutting tomatoes.

But this time, something unusual caught his eye – a face emerging from one of the tomato slices. Intrigued, Shaw paused his cooking to capture this moment with his camera. After wrapping up his work for the day, he revisited these photographs, infusing them with his creative spirit. The result? A series of captivating drawings that bring the tomato’s ‘face’ to life. Shaw’s adventure, possibly influenced by his fondness for crime series on Netflix, showcases his ability to find stories in the most ordinary moments. He hopes his audience will find as much joy in these illustrations as he did in creating them.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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The Killer Tomato Appeared On The Scene While I Was Cutting Vegetables To Cook 6566301e8e17d 700
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The Killer Tomato Appeared On The Scene While I Was Cutting Vegetables To Cook 65663036cf1c1 700
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The Killer Tomato Appeared On The Scene While I Was Cutting Vegetables To Cook 6566306216fc0 700
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