Artist Made A Beautiful Handmade Glass Pickle As A Christmas Tree Ornament – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Made A Beautiful Handmade Glass Pickle As A Christmas Tree Ornament

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In this festive season, artist Nikita Drachuk explores the charming tradition of the glass handmade pickle-shaped ornament.

Originating in Germany, the legend tells of a poor family’s heartwarming Christmas Eve surprise, where the first child to find the pickle on the tree received a special gift or good fortune for the coming year. This tradition, though shrouded in mystery, has become a cherished part of holiday celebrations. Handcrafted from glass, these ornaments add a touch of enchantment to your tree with their intricate craftsmanship and vibrant green hue. Beyond tradition, they bring whimsy to your holiday decor, making them a standout feature. Incorporating the Christmas pickle into your festivities is a delightful way to share magic, joy, and luck with loved ones during this holiday season.

More: Amazon h/t: boredpanda

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