Brolga’s Travel Series: Fun Characters Doodled in Streets and Cityscapes – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Brolga’s Travel Series: Fun Characters Doodled in Streets and Cityscapes


Color adds excitement to cities, and Australian artist Brolga captures this vibrancy through his unique art. He creatively infuses his travel photos with bright, doodled characters, starting this project in 2016 to give more life to his travel memories. This idea grew, incorporating his friends’ and professional photographers’ travel images worldwide.

More: Brolga, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

118412575 1188932414803180 9054402805600485460 N

Brolga, known for his collaborations with major brands like Nike and Apple, shared his artistic journey. Growing up in Australia, he dreamt of being an artist, a dream realized after taking illustration classes in New York. His art, adding illustrations to cityscapes, follows a tradition by artists like Kaws, but with a distinct charm.

Brolga 28152524 350724242091582 1124960249602637824 N

Living in Brooklyn’s artistic community greatly influenced Brolga. He started creating anonymous street art there, leading to murals and illustration work. His characters, often reflecting his personality and experiences, are brought to life with intuitively chosen colors. Brolga finds inspiration in the emotional power of character design, likening it to beloved figures like Miffy.

Brolga 28433434 180986842627548 7187167903412649984 N
Brolga 43670732 351399448965908 532134101374847140 N
Brolga 66657643 148044049614697 8215720857310756256 N
Brolga 80312292 2497944177131680 6700294729659348554 N
Brolga 95166932 706117083264471 4576567198785061272 N
Brolga 105937308 159762098934727 7404489726289055123 N
Brolga 116040119 180943863389774 4977173088545866204 N
Brolga 118003915 162978782069853 262482611008267593 N
Brolga 118394990 311581676932092 3426694308818605904 N
Brolga 123031416 2556324591325546 4807211319496277263 N
Brolga 151485745 114157447341975 9121232692389965776 N
Brolga 235980930 382706173254876 3124573612085806849 N
Brolga 245680994 1190994188063662 2200909296686769459 N
Brolga 249614248 2028656323975736 4545405943919760434 N
Brolga 261903970 274848611261893 1074598898600029549 N
Brolga 264298834 1931130300398546 483446981606747479 N
Brolga 270369326 4960700684021487 7958223119834435197 N
Brolga 274990374 1427281054353650 4408816881661193466 N
Brolga 275511396 368561115274101 9167073031390444520 N
Brolga 276967899 156555763425240 6043303439563086003 N
Brolga 277587232 1791313864408131 902936781251983928 N
Brolga 280238751 366885195246265 6527633871010778215 N
Brolga 326695911 193826963316594 5067399191841164218 N
Brolga 327976842 1223821011882528 1741111166682687462 N
Brolga 333558331 153804884185541 2184629039983782077 N
Brolga 357491364 18375419635024775 6734638421116506997 N
Brolga 363353109 18380512474024775 3014206277955467411 N
Brolga 381344883 18391497430024775 972615354558539856 N
Brolga 386335460 18392830330024775 5984155434116459133 N
Brolga 399980810 18400359556024775 8723518568630451720 N
Brolga 406235235 18403757917024775 6504171272705920686 N
Brolga 417811483 18411560101024775 4379294444639882682 N

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