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Awesome Posters Designed By Selected Artists For The Newly Launched Sci-Fi Game Chorus


Over 50 artists from the PosterSpy art community submitted their portfolios to be considered for the creation of artwork for the new sci-fi space combat shooter game Chorus. Portfolio submissions were narrowed down to 6 artists perfect for the project. Continue reading »

An Architect Paints Famous Cities Around The World In Watercolor

Burano, Italy

According to Maja Wrońska: “I’m an architect, watercolorist and freelance illustrator from Poland. I create mostly watercolors that focus on architecture and cities. This is my collection of watercolors I made that features many famous cities around the world. I post a lot of work on my Instagram.” Continue reading »

Beautiful Pics Of Ukraine That Are Heartbreaking To See Right Now

The Love Tunnel, Ukraine

Sitting in the heart of Europe, Ukraine celebrated its 30 years of independence last year. While it may seem like a young state, it has a thousand-year history. Throughout this period, it has formed a powerful and resilient nation. Citizens there developed a strong sense of national identity, showing devotion and love to its culture, traditions, architecture, communities, and beyond. Continue reading »

Do You Know Who You Are?: Superb Cinematic Photo Works By Nariman Darbandi

These are difficult times we live in, friends. The main thing now is to preserve the mental health of ourselves and our loved ones. The cinematic photo works of Nariman Darbandi will help to distract from heavy thoughts and immerse yourself in a beautiful melancholy. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Tattoos Inspired By Scientific And Strange Subjects

Italian artist Michele Volpi creates tattoos inspired by scientific and strange subjects. Michele takes inspiration from illustrations of vintage science books to create unique monochromatic tattoos. Continue reading »

Amazing Vintage Photographs Capture Chicago Night Clubs’ Scene From the Mid-1970s

Between 1975 and 1977, sometimes five nights a week, photographer Michael Abramson traveled from his northern Chicago suburb to the South Side, rambling from nighttime hotspots like Perv’s House and the Five Fingers Social Club to the High Chaparral and the New Jazz Showcase Lounge. Continue reading »

Embroidered Sculptures of Woodland Treasures by Amanda Cobbett

Every day, Amanda Cobbett walks her dog in the Surrey Hills and observes the minute changes in the woodland around her. The embroidery artist takes note of the different lichen, fungi and bark patterns she finds in different parts of the forest; later, using photographs and a magnifying light, she recreates them in painstaking detail out of thread, paper, papier-mache and silk. Continue reading »

STOP WAR: A New Series of Works by Sho Shibuya in Support of Ukraine

Sho Shibuya is an artist, graphic designer and founder of the creative studio Placeholder. Born in Japan, he has lived in New York City since 2011. He has designed numerous brand identities for start-ups and established companies alike, and created the non-profit project Plastic Paper, which uses creativity as a platform for sustainability. Continue reading »

Thoughts, Hopes And Disappointments in Kyiv: A Street Photographer’s Photos of Ukraine, 2001-2021

Born in Eastern Ukraine in 1954, Juri Nesterov’s photographs show us life in Kyiv, the country’s capital city. “Though I graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1976, I have always had a passion for photography and arts and after a short stint in engineering became a full-time photographic artist,” says Juri. Continue reading »

Photographer Captures The Magical Beauty Of Winter In The Ukrainian Carpathians

According to Olha Balandiukh aka OLVIA, an Ukrainian model, singer, musician, photographer, artist and interior designer: “Have you ever wandered the snowy Ukrainian Carpathians? Have you ever taken a breath of nice, frosty air? Or maybe Coldness has tickled your eyes and your cheeks have been kissed by Winter? Continue reading »

Bizarre Sculptures by Franz Xaver Messerschmidt From the 18th Century

Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, an eighteenth-century German sculptor active in Austria, is best known for his series of dramatic “character heads.” The metal and stone busts are often disturbing in their extreme expressions. They have long prompted critics and scholars to speculate that the artist made them in reaction to an undiagnosed mental illness. Continue reading »

Studio Portraits of American Indians by Alexander Gardner From the 1860s

Portrait of Tcha-Wan-Na-Ga-He (Buffalo Chief) in Native Dress wearing fur and feather headdress and peace medal, holding pipe-tomahawk.

Alexander Gardner (1821–1882) was a photographer best known for his portraits of President Abraham Lincoln, his American Civil War photographs, and his photographs of American Indian delegations. Continue reading »

Scary but Touching Photos of Ukrainians with Their Pets Hiding from Russian Bombs in The Kyev Subway

War is scary. In war, not only people are victims, but also their pets. And no one can protect them except people. Continue reading »

Denture Drill Bit Holder Is a Brilliant Use For 3D Printer

In case you haven’t heard, conventional tool boxes are totally old news. Why lug around a boring box when you can fire up a 3D printer and make this creepy thing? Just as the name suggests, this desktop storage device lets you keep all of your drill bits organized in a pair of realistic hinged dentures. Continue reading »

The Herald of Lovecraftian World: Samuel Araya’s Grim Paintings

Winner of the 2015 World Fantasy Award in the Artist category.

Samuel Araya is an artist living in the poison heart of South America, his work has appeared in a variety of media, from videogames, t-shirts, posters, records, to cards and books, including five editions of the prestigious “Spectrum: The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art” annual. Currently also dedicates time to his career as a gallery artist, with an important number of international shows already gracing his curriculum. Continue reading »

Together We Are Strong!: An Anonymous Author Created the NFTs to Help the Ukrainian Forces

From the artist’s statement: “This NFT collection was created to help and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. With this collection you can get an interesting interactive memo about supporting Ukraine.” Continue reading »

Heartbreaking Pieces Made By Artists All Over The World After The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine


We live in anxious and heartbreaking times, where things we eagerly believed were finally behind us suddenly come true. Despite our innocent and sometimes even naive beliefs, enraged and cruel men have frankly chosen to decide our future for us. Continue reading »

MetaWriter Software Vending Machine, 1983

When Nolan Bushnell sold Atari to Warner Communications, he agreed not to compete with the company for a specified period. When ban expired, Bushnell has introduced a software vending machine, the Cumma Metawriter, in 1983. Continue reading »

Korean Brotherhood, Ghetto, and League of Legends: Art by Seung Eun Kim

Seung Eun Kim is a Korean-born American artist, director and animator, and a three-time Emmy nominee. In his time Kim worked on productions of such cartoon masterpieces as Jackie Chan’s Adventures and Godzilla, but his main brainchild was The Boondocks, an anime-style animated series about the difficult life of black guys in Illinois, based on the Aaron McGruder comic strip of the same name. Kim was also at one time the head artist at Riot Games. Continue reading »

We Live Again: Anime Art by Felipe Magaña

Felipe Magaña is a freelance artist from Utrecht, the Netherlands, who draws all sorts of things mostly in anime style. We know very little else about the mysterious Magaña, but that’s okay – you can enjoy looking at his wonderful drawings of the Bloodborne, Naruto, and other universes without any biographical explanations. Continue reading »

Small but Brave: Charming Illustrations by Skottie Young

Skottie Young is a writer and comic book artist from the United States. Young is famous for his work for Marvel, in his time he drew Spider-Man, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy and many other interesting things. One of his major works was the graphic novels based on Frank Baum’s Wizard of Oz. Continue reading »

Still Crying: Tiny Drawings By Sara Hagale

In hard times, everything becomes small – space, time, human life. Sara Hagale’s drawings do a good job of conveying this feeling, but they also give us a sense of some hope. Even if ghostly, but still. Continue reading »

Artist Spent 3 Months Drawing A Mythological Medieval World Map On Door

According to Mario Yaír T.S.: “After being locked up for several months, I decided to decorate my door with miniature monsters from medieval times. Somehow, along the way, it became a medieval map full of symbolism, some carefully planted Easter eggs, and overall a filled canvas with various references that can leave one more than just curious.

The monsters that filled this door canvas are not only from Europe, but also from other continents too. Therefore, that’s why it took me a while to fill in the map as I took a lot of references from various cultures from around the world.”

The sketch

“It all started on an ordinary day of the quarantine, and like most of the days, this one too was filled with a lot of boredom and a still clean door. So I looked up some sea monsters and drew them. When I realized they looked lonely, I sketched a complete map.” Continue reading »

Artist Creates Chilling Art To Bring Awareness To Borderline Personality Disorder

According to Isabel Malia: “Mental illness in young people gets more intense with each generation that goes by, this generation is no exception. The pandemic came full force and traumatized a young generation by robbing them of everything that keeps kids going; socializing with friends, milestone experiences, and sometimes taking away loved ones. Continue reading »

For Those Who Also Think Horror Movies Are Fun: Art by NachoScratcho

To be honest, we have never been able to figure out who exactly works under the pseudonym NachoScratcho. Is it an male or female artist? Is it a collective of authors? But that’s not so important. Continue reading »