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The Funniest Examples Of “You Had One Job” Fails


Failure is a part of life. It can hurt, and for some it comes more often than for others. It can also teach us valuable lessons. But most importantly, when you have a single job to do and you mess it up, it can give us a good laugh when we need it the most. This “You Had One Job” gallery will make you crack a smile: it’s dedicated to hilarious occupational mishaps and stunning examples of extreme laziness. Continue reading »

Theater of The Bauhaus: An Illustrated Guide to Total Art from 1925


The Bauhaus, Germany’s influential art, design and architecture school, thought performance and function should be united to form part of the whole art experience. Continue reading »

50 Times People Spotted Stupid Design Decisions In Public Places And Just Had To Share

“The Chairs Waiting For You In The Laser Eye Clinic’s Reception”

We often form our opinion of a city by judging the quality of its public spaces. If they give us a hard time, most likely we won’t be too psyched about returning to it. And unfortunately, there are plenty of ways urban planners and interior designers ruin our everyday life and force us into dreadful anxiety-inducing situations. Continue reading »

“Ugly Design” Instagram Account Shows Horrible Crimes Against Design

While looking at pictures on Ugly Design Instagram account only one question comes to mind: “What the hell were they thinking?!” Scroll down for the best (worst) examples! Continue reading »

Tales for an Accelerated Culture from Douglas Coupland – Novelist, Visual Artist and Graphic Designer

Douglas Coupland is a Canadian author who is credited with popularising the terms ‘Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture’ and ‘McJob’ in his 1991 novel, Generation X. He grew up in a Canadian military family and went on to study science at university before finally studying art at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, then at the Design Institute in Italy and the Hokkaido College of Art and Design in Japan. Continue reading »

This Instagram Account Collects The Ugliest Designs Ever Found And Its Followers Are Being Surprised Daily

Prepare to feast your eyes on the crème de la crème of ugly designs that are so cringy that they’re good. Well, almost. The Ugly Design Instagram page has over 500K+ followers who wait for the newest posts, curated by Swiss founders Jonas Nyffenegger and Sébastien Mathys. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Animal Sculptures From Flower Arrangements

Inspired by the ancient and traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement—Ikebana—Montreal-based artist and photographer Raku Inoue creates colorful portraits of insects and other animals using flowers, twigs, leaves, and stems from his garden. Each and every one of them is unique as he chooses his materials according to the seasons and what nature offers during them. Continue reading »

40 Designs That Are So Bad That It’s Hard To Believe Someone Came Up With Them

This New Wall Art In My Office


Human beings don’t always build things to last. Sometimes, they make such obvious mistakes that casual observers can’t believe they didn’t notice their design flaws from the get-go. Alas, we’re all flawed and most of us have a blind spot when it comes to the things we’re involved in. Continue reading »

A Collection Of Genius Designs That Are So Creative They Should Receive An Award

A very peculiar building


It’s incredible how these days you can find good design all around you. It is everywhere, in almost every object that surrounds us. However, there are certain designs that stand out for the level of creativity and innovation. Continue reading »

People Who Had One Simple Job And Failed Miserably

Some people don’t care at all. They just want to watch the world burn. Continue reading »

30 Times People Encountered Hilariously Terrible Kitchen Designs

I Have Two Of Those In My Kitchen


Stove, kettle, fridge, toilet, dishwasher – can you spot one thing that doesn’t belong in the kitchen? If you can, congratulations – you’ve got the basic concept of what a kitchen is supposed to look like and are about to have a laugh at some terrible kitchen designs. And if you can’t – you just might see all of it as inspiration. Continue reading »

35 Examples Of Incredibly Bad Design

The Imperial System


It takes a talented designer to create something that’s not only practical but looks aesthetically pleasing as well. It also takes talent to create a design so bad, it will make scratch your head and say “What on earth were you thinking?” – talent in crappy design, that is. Continue reading »

Epic Stair Design Fails That May Result In Some Serious Injuries

Not A Good Carpet Choice For Stairs If You Ask Me


As far as designs go, stairs are ones that you want to get right. Any flaw in the execution could lead to an embarrassing trip or, even worse, a serious fall. Continue reading »

This Instagram Page Showcases Incredible Design Solutions


here is so much on the internet that can get you down or angry that you have to stop and appreciate the pages that calm your soul. Topdezigners is an Instagram page that reposts gorgeous sleek, modern, and innovative furniture, room, and even outdoor architectural designs. Continue reading »

This Artist Creates Inventions That Solve Problems That Don’t Exist

Matt Benedetto is a product designer from Burlington, Vermont. However, the products he designs aren’t really, how should we say it… useful. Matt is perfectly aware of the ridiculousness of his inventions and says he’s “on a quest to design products to help solve the most difficult problems in the world…that don’t really exist.” Continue reading »

26 Artists Were Challenged To Create The Whole Alphabet, One Unique Paper Letter Each

Julianna Szabo (UK)

Over the past years, The Paper Artists Collective has gathered their talented members for sponsored collaborations.

The artists love working together using their talent, various techniques and lots of creativity! This time 26 artists created one unique paper letter each not even knowing which colors or letter they were to work with before the paper arrived by mail. The members loved the challenge and the results are amazing! Continue reading »

Cool Pics Of 20 Great ’80s Classic Cars That Time Forgot

Chevrolet Corvette C4 (1984)

The 1980s was a decade of strange music and weird fashion. It was also a period of innovation and growth for most of the major auto manufacturers. Here are 20 great cars from the 1980s that you may want to own once at least. Continue reading »

Bauhaus Bus Embarks On World Tour To Explore The School’s Global Legacy

A mobile building that looks like the Bauhaus school in Dessau will travel between four global cities, aiming to “unlearn” the influential school’s Eurocentric attitudes. Called Wohnmaschine, which means “living house”, the small-scale Bauhaus bus will travel between four cities in 2019, the school’s centenary year. Continue reading »

This Cartoon-Style Wedding Chapel Is Arguably The Most Instagrammable Venue To Get Hitched In

If you think that getting married in Las Vegas by Elvis is not crazy enough, try this unconventional setting. Everybody knows that a wedding feels like a surreal dream, but what if it looked like one? Without the use of photoshop, it is now possible to say “I do” in an actual cartoon chapel and Instagram is abuzz. It’s not like you are getting married for the likes but these unique photos are difficult to beat. Continue reading »

Artist Turns Real Seashells Into Decorative Jewelry Dishes That Look Like Long Lost Treasure

Nowadays, many contemporary artists are looking for new ways to express their art in a different manner to others. They are abandoning the traditional canvas and instead using sometimes smaller but unexpected things. One artist who is actually famous for this is crafter Mary Kenyon from California. Continue reading »

Rock ’N’ Roll On Wheels: 30 Photos Of The Coolest Customized Vans Of The 1970s

Once upon a time — or more accurately, back in the 1970s — the van reigned supreme. Riding-in right on the heels of the fading muscle car era, the custom van became the ultimate self-expression vehicle– tricked-out and personalized to show all the world just how your bad self rolled. Continue reading »

Artist Alexandra Kehayoglou Creates Rugs Inspired by Argentina’s Diverse Landscape

Textile artist Alexandra Kehayoglou creates natural landscapes of her native Argentina. Her chosen locations are often ones attached to political controversies, such as the Santa Cruz River, or regions dramatically altered by human action, like the Raggio creek. Kehayoglou uses her craft for a chance as a call for environmental consciousness, embedding her memory and explore of the disappearing waterways and grasslands to her hand-tufted works. Continue reading »

Embarrassing Design Mistakes You Won’t Believe Actually Happened

Pretty Sure He’s Using It Wrong


Some ideas look better on paper than they do in real life. Some are questionable even on paper, but there is no one there to double-check them. At least it seems that way when looking at these product design fails that are too ridiculous not to laugh. From unfortunately shaped popsicles, to the menacing looking fountain filled with crimson-colored water – the mistakes will show you why you always should always carefully consider your concepts before showing them to the rest of the world. Continue reading »

This Instagram Account Shares Amazing Photos Of The Doors Of London

The Doors of London is a Bella’s Instagram feed that proves London has the prettiest doors in the world. Bella is fascinated by doors. She has collected so many different London front doors styles and colors. Some are inviting you in and some are shutting you out. Continue reading »

“Designed By Nature”: World’s Greatest Gallery of Trees That Look Like Butts

We spent countless hours and compiled the greatest collection of trees that look like butts. We believe this is the greatest mankind’s achievement since the Moon landings. Scroll down and enjoy! Continue reading »