humorous – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Snapped Realities: Creative and Humorous AI Photography by Alsoguppyme


Originally trained in painting, Malaysia-based artist Alsoguppyme has shifted into commercial design while maintaining a deep artistic vision. Continue reading »

K Is For Knifeball: An Alphabet of Terrible Advice


From the authors of the breakout bestseller ‘All my friends are dead’ and in the humorous vein of ‘Go the F**k to Sleep’ comes a laugh-out-loud collection of bad advice that turns the children’s alphabet book on its head. Continue reading »

This Unofficial OnlyFans Calendar For The Year 2025 Contains Images Of What Is And Should Be

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Introducing the Only Fans 2025 Calendar! Add some fun and whimsy to your office, bedroom, or any wall you’d like with this hilarious calendar featuring only fans…no, not that kind of fan, silly! Continue reading »

Cute Handmade Ceramic Animals by Helen Burgess


British artist Helen Burgess makes whimsical porcelain figurines that are both charming and humorous. Continue reading »

Humorous AI-Generated Images of Dogs Pooping In Beautiful Places

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We came upon an advertisement for a calendar featuring dogs poopig in picturesque locations. After then, things became even worse… The accumulation of these images is the result of our inability to control the flow of ideas. Continue reading »

This Artist’s Illustrations Showcasing The Unique Bonds Between Characters And Creatures


Illustrator Yael Nathan explores the shapes, emotions, and relationships between humans and animals through her artwork. She crafts their stories through her drawings, whether real or fantastical, serious or humorous, contemporary or historical. Continue reading »

An Illustrator Uses Clever And Humorous Artwork To Explore The Absurdity Of Modern Life


Artist Daukantė creates vibrant and ironic illustrations that capture both mundane and significant life moments. Continue reading »

This Illustrator Turns Everyday Objects And Fruits Into Hilarious Dramatic Characters


Alberto Arni’s illustrations bring everyday objects like fruits, pets, and even toilet paper to life with quirky personalities and stories, turning the ordinary into humorous and playful characters. Continue reading »

Butts on Things: Humorous Doodle Illustrations of Brian Cook


Because everything looks better with a butt in Brian Cook’s collection of fun, offbeat illustrations, beers have rears, Tetris becomes Butris and balloons bear backsides. Continue reading »

Humorous But Sad Illustrations By Santiago Bara That Might Make You Reflect On Life


In today’s world, life can be pretty strange and absurd, a craziness that isn’t new but now seems omnipresent, and while it might seem confusing and hard to make sense of, that’s not always a bad thing; artist Santiago Bara from Spain, who initially started drawing cartoons for practice, now uses this absurdity as inspiration for his simple yet humorous and thought-provoking illustrations, which have gained him over 8,000 Instagram followers and help people notice the weirdness of modern life. Continue reading »

Alison Friend’s Cute And Funny Animal Drawings Will Completely Melt Your Heart

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According to scientific study, we appreciate art because it releases dopamine, a hormone responsible for feelings of pleasure and motivation in our brains. But what if we combined art with another thing that makes people happy—pets? So we end up with a design that is sure to make people pleased. Continue reading »

The Perfect Conversation Starter: Pine Wood Bungee Jumping Jesus Cross with Customizable Bungee Cord


Want a unique and funny way to display your faith? Check out the Bungee Jumping Jesus Wall-Mounted Cross! Continue reading »

Captivating And Humorous Illustrations Created From Everyday Items By Christoph Niemann


Artist, author, and animator are just some of the numerous hats that Christoph Niemann wears. Continue reading »

Stunning Examples of How Victorian Photographers “Retouched” Their Photographs

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When it comes to photography, image alteration has long been prevalent. It is more than just a humorous reference to the past; a genuine airbrush was regularly employed on prints long before digital photography was even a glimmer in our eyes. The airbrush tool is more than just a fanciful reference to the past. Continue reading »

A Humorous Collection Of Photos Of Funny And Adorable Cats As They Play With Catnip By Andrew Marttila

A humorous collection of dozens of photos of funny and adorable cats as they play with, roll in, and chow down their favorite snack of choice — catnip.

Andrew Marttila is a professional animal photographer best known for his captivating images of felines. He reaches hundreds of thousands of cat lovers through social media where he documents his travels promoting shelters across the country, taking photos for clients, and snuggling his cat, Haroun. Continue reading »

The Super Hot And Humorous 2018 New York City Taxi Drivers Calendar Is Here!

The 2018 New York City Taxi Drivers Calendar, a comedic take on the traditional pin-up, features 12 of the city’s most scintillating and good-humored yellow cab drivers. Continue reading »

The Ultimate Humorous & NSFW Photo Guide Of Mormon Missionary Positions

The Mormon Church’s law of chastity prohibits masturbation and premarital sex. The Church even frowns on dressing in a non-chaste manner and homosexuality is considered a major-league sin. Portland-based photographer Neil Dacosta satirized the Mormons’ politicized stance on same-sex relations by coming up with The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions. Continue reading »

Illustrator Jeremy Nguyen Makes Humorous Freelancer Achievement Badges – Try To Collect Them All

Illustrator Jeremy Nguyen has put together funny and very true list of 16 very special freelancer achievement badges. Try to collect them all! Continue reading »

This Woman Had A Humorous ‘Sexy’ Boudoir Photo Shoot In A T-Rex Costume

Not all heroes wear capes. Some where a T-Rex costume with lingerie. That’s exactly what bride to be, Nicole Stein did when she decided she wanted to take some sexy pics for her future husband. The pics are amazing, and are quite possibly the sexiest boudoir photos I’ve ever seen. She even goes FULL ON NUDE. Yep. Continue reading »

Humorous Posters Of Graphic Design Puns That Will Make Designers Laugh

Graphic designers have altogether different mindsets, the way they perceive things, the way they guess meaning within the lines, the way they devise ways to the healthy outcome of their projects and the way they don’t take negative criticism at heart show that their temperament is different, stable and optimistic. Continue reading »

Man Reimagines His Life With Kendall Jenner In Humorous Photo Edits

‘Kirby Jenner’ is an Instagram account run by an anonymous owner who describes himself as the “fraternal twin of Kendall Jenner”. The artist has committed to photoshopping himself into images of the reality television star–from prints ads to family photos–some so convincing you will never have guessed that they were edits. Continue reading »

Comics In The Kitchen: Humorous Illustrations By Massimo Fenati


Massimo Fenati is an Italian designer and illustrator, living for years in London. He was born and raised in Genoa but went to the UK in 1995 to work on 3D design projects. He later worked for international tv networks such as BBC, Sky and Channel 4 designing their graphics, he published very famous comic books both in the UK and Italy and in other countries, he works on editorial illustration and on comics for kids. As a proud Italian he’s also very interested in food, and he mixed up this passion with his job by realizing a series of comics on food, cooking and differences on Italian and British food culture. Continue reading »

Humorous Illustrations Of Chewbacca As Comical Visual Puns


London-based designer and illustrator Joe Stone is back with a follow-up project. Titled ‘Drewbacca’, this new series follows the theme of his ‘Drawntroopers’ project. With some humorous wordplay and visual puns, he imagines ‘Chewie’ from Star Wars as ‘Queuebacca’ (waiting in line), ‘Loobacca’ (sitting on the loo), ‘Stewbecca’ (cooking a stew), and more. Continue reading »

“For The Love Of Peanut Butter”: Humorous Photo Series Of Dogs Eating Peanut Butter


There are few things in this world better than peanut butter and dogs – in my world at least. And when you put the combination together, you get a humorous effect that is perfect for a photo series. Continue reading »