tokyo » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
tokyo – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

100 Views of Tokyo: Beautiful Illustrations by Shinji Tsuchimochi


Shinji Tsuchimochi is a Tokyo-based illustrator renowned for his contemporary interpretations of traditional Japanese ukiyo-e art. Continue reading »

Absolutely Superb Minimalist Black and White Photos Captured Winter Scenes in Japan in the 1950s and 1960s

Winter In Japan 1

Asano Kiichi (1914–1993), born in Kameoka, Kyoto Prefecture, moved to Kyoto City as a child, where he was deeply influenced by the city’s arts and traditions. Continue reading »

Spectacular Street Winners From The 2024 Minimalist Photography Awards

1st Place Winner: Spectrum by Daniel Mead
Minimalist Street Photography Awards 01

The 2024 Minimalist Photography Awards honored exceptional street photography that skillfully embodied simplicity and the urban environment. The winning photographers captured striking images, using minimalism in composition and lighting to enhance emotional depth and narrative power. Continue reading »

Spectacular Award-Winning Nature Photos From The Tokyo Foto Awards

st Place: Horses Running At Sunset by Shirley Wung, Taiwan
Tokyo Awards Nature Photography Winners 01

The Tokyo Foto Awards 2023 showcased breathtaking nature photography from around the world, capturing the beauty, diversity, fragility, and power of our planet through stunning landscapes, wildlife portraits, and intricate natural details. Continue reading »

Incredible 3D Post-Design by Amano


I love the style of modern post design, it’s an incredible combination of 3D, tribal aesthetics, 90s Japanese design hitech and broken typography. Continue reading »

Dystopian Tokyo at Night in Captivating Photos by Takaaki Ito


Exploring a city can be uniquely insightful through the lens of photographers who traverse its streets at night, capturing stunning and spontaneous images. Continue reading »

Hiro Ando’s Modern Take on the Ancient Artistic Traditions of Japan


Hiro Ando, a notable artist who began his career in 1995 after graduating from the University of Art, has a distinct style that reflects both modern and traditional Japanese elements. Continue reading »

Photographer NIU NIU Captures The Neo Tokyo Vibes


Neo Tokyo is an imaginary place full with neon lights, punk revivalism, piercings, and erotica. By focusing on the people in this fever dream Tokyo, photographer NIU NIU creates dark, whimsical photos. Continue reading »

Capturing the Unseen: Keita Morimoto’s Atmospheric Tokyo Tales


Keita Morimoto, a Japanese artist based in Tokyo, spent 14 years in Toronto, graduating from OCAD University in 2012. His emotive paintings blend classical techniques with everyday motifs, bringing characters to life. Continue reading »

From Ruins to Beauty: Tokyo Genso’s Intricate Illustrations of a Post-Apocalyptic Tokyo


Apocalyptic stories, depicting the collapse of civilization and order, have a captivating allure. Despite the horror that such an event would undoubtedly bring, it is intriguing to envision our world’s destruction. Continue reading »

Cute and Warm Sketches of Japanese Life by Naoyuki Hayashi


Discover the Art of Naoyuki Hayashi, a freelance concept artist working in Tokyo, Japan. Continue reading »

Tokyo Hotel Launches Futuristic Lantern Dining to Beat Coronavirus

Mainichi/Kimi Takeuchi

A high-end resort hotel in Tokyo has come up with a unique way to enable diners to enjoy meals while offering protection against the coronavirus — by covering them with transparent lanterns. Continue reading »

“Nude” Photos of Pastel-Colored Urban Tokyo by Rumi Ando

Tokyo-based photographer and retoucher Rumi Ando creates unsettling urban landscape photography of Tokyo. Seemingly nostalgic yet out-of-place, Ando has retouched each of her photographs, painstakingly removing all evidence of human life except for the buildings they’ve built. All windows, A/C units, antennas, ducts—”noise” as Ando calls them—have vanished, leaving only the skin of a city: a nude Tokyo. Continue reading »

Tokyo-Based Illustrator Shows The Everyday Olympics Of Ordinary People

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics are officially over, but the Olympic performances and feats never stop. How, you wonder? Well, people who live ordinary lives do them every day. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Images of The Tokyo International Foto Awards 2020

Here are the winners of the 2020 Tokyo International Awards. The winners receive prizes that are up to $3,000 USD. Tokyo International Foto awards recognize, honor and connect talented photographers from around the world to new audiences and new eyes in the creative circles of Tokyo, Japan. The competition is open to everyone and invites photographers from all over the world to enter their work.

Summer Fairies (Nature, Gold) by Kazuaki Koseki

“Himehotaru” living in the summer night forest, females cannot fly, only males, fireflies, an indigenous species of Japan, fly around the summer forest while repeating a blink of a short time, reminiscent of Christmas illumination. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist’s Illustrations Dare You to Find Fantasy in Ordinary Tokyo Apartments

Behind the flashing lights and its constant bustling rhythm, Tokyo has an undeniable, almost mystic charm that takes a special talent to appreciate. One person who’s gifted with the ability to appreciate the day-to-day charms of Tokyo on another level is Japanese illustrator Akane Malbeni. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon

Japanese photographer ‘7’ tends to focus their lens on some of the beautiful night photography locations available in the Kanagawa and Tokyo area. While the talented photographer’s work features shots that are usually breathtaking enough on their own, this time they were given a surprising natural enhancement by this past weekend’s Typhoon Chan-hom. Continue reading »

Stunning Black & White Photos Of Tokyo In The State Of Emergency During The Rising Of Coronavirus Cases

Dai Kurokawa/EPA

As Japan considers lifting state-of-emergency conditions in many regions this week and the country inches towards a gradual return of economic activity, photographer Dai Kurokawa looks at life in the capital. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist’s Striking Illustrations Show Tokyo Overrun By Whales And Giant Flowers

“I take scenes which you may see every day, and I aim to create a different world by adding something else.” This is how Japanese illustrator Hiromu。(hiromu-maru) humbly describes his astonishing works which he illustrates in pen and colors in Photoshop. Continue reading »

Italian Photographer Matteo Carella Captures Urban Tokyo In Noir And Neon

Matteo Carella aka adjacent.future is a self-taught photographer from Torre Annunziata (a town near Naples, Italy) currently based in Milan. He loves capturing Tokyo pictures both in daylight and nightlight scene. Continue reading »

Night And Day: Striking Street Photography In Japan By James Takumi Shyegun

Stunning street scenes by James Takumi Shyegun, a talented photographer, videographer, and model from Tokyo, Japan. Takumi focuses mainly on urban, architecture, and street photography. Continue reading »

Photographer Tatsuo Suzuki Captures Fascinating Black And White Images Of Daily Life In Tokyo

Tatsuo Suzuki is a Japanese street photographer, living and working in Ota, Tokyo. Using long exposures and intense contrasts to capture the frenetic atmosphere of the Tokyo streets, Suzuki’s work is a prescient homage to our ever-changing urban behaviours. Continue reading »

Photos Of Tokyo In The 1970s Seen Through The Eyes Of A Canadian Who Moved There At The Time

Two School Girls, 1979

After arriving in Tokyo in the 1970s for what had to be a short trip, Greg Girard instantly made up his mind to stay there. The photographer got a part-time gig working as an English teacher, giving him plenty of time to explore the city with his camera. Renting a darkroom and making black and white prints, and sending his slide film to a commercial processing lab, his pictures from this period remained largely unseen until The Magenta Foundation put them together into a book called ‘Tokyo-Yokosuka 1976-1983’. Continue reading »

“The Call Of The Void”: Polish Photographer Lukasz Palka Captures Streets Of Tokyo

Polish photographer Lukasz Palka explores his fascination with Tokyo in this series of captures taken from different rooftops all over the city. Continue reading »

American Artist Captured Stunning Monochromatic Photos Of Tokyo Cityscapes At Night

Austin is a designer, engineer and multimedia artist based in SF, California. He recently finished a series that he developed across a few trips to Tokyo in 2017-2018, where he spent his nights examining the city from above. Continue reading »