A Sign in Space: Sandprint at Laga beach, Sense & Sustainability, Art biennale, Urdaibai, Spain » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
A Sign in Space: Sandprint at Laga beach, Sense & Sustainability, Art biennale, Urdaibai, Spain – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Sign in Space: Sandprint at Laga beach, Sense & Sustainability, Art biennale, Urdaibai, Spain

A graphic star-pattern composed of truck tires is printed as a relief on the sand at Laga beach during low tide. At high tide the pattern will slowly vanish as the tide rises. By Spanish artist Gunilla Klingberg.

The printed pattern is made with a mechanical device, a manufactured steel-cylinder, with the graphic pattern as a matrix relief made of truck tires. The cylinder is connected to the beach cleaner tractor which drives from side to side of the beach in the morning, creating the pattern covering the whole beach area.

Following the lunar and tidal calendar, the pattern is remade again and again at all possible days at low tide. The work A Sign in Space is performed on dates when the tidal calender is synchronized with the the beach cleaners early morning working schedule- the pattern will be created on days when the low tide hour fits the labour working hours.

Dates when A Sign in Space will be performed at Laga beach:
On morning hours (9-12 am): 19th, 20th, 30th and 31st July. 1st, 2nd, 14th, 15th, 16th, 30th and 31st August. 14th and 15th September.