Family of the Photographer – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Family of the Photographer

Little Red Riding Hood. “The moment I pulled this sweater out of the drawer for Frankie I knew what I wanted for my picture today. I envisioned the look, the style, and the composition. When working with a 2 year old it is never easy to actually get the shot you want, especially when they decide to skip nap time. But I really like how this one turned out” – Rich.

Frankie “The Kid”. “ This is the last known picture of Frankie “The Kid”, ring leader of the Tres Amigos gang. “The Kid” is a fugitive WANTED in 57 counties for tomfoolery, mischief making, dog wrangling, avoiding chores, laughing loudly, eating junkfood, tv watching, staying up past her bedtime, public display of cuteness, and last but not least… wearing a fake mustache”

Call of the Wild. “Yay for face painting at daycare. Happy Belated Chinese New Year. Year of the Tiger”

Summertime Hosedown. “Dang, it’s like 90 degrees in Alameda today. Bought a kiddie pool and the girls had a water fight. This shot shows the 3 foot underdog won that fight”

“I’m kind of a big deal”

Sad Clown. “God I love face painting day at daycare. Today Frankie came home as a clown. Which should be a happy thing but I always think of clowns as sad so I immediately said “time to take pictures” and “make your sad face”. She takes direction so well for an almost three year old. Later, we were in the back yard with the dogs and Colonel Mustard had an apple and jumped on the lawn chair to eat it. Frankie turns to me and says “We need a picture of this”. That’s my girl!”

Momma Said Knock You Out. “TOTW – One line lyrics. Wish I had a little more of the fist that ended up hitting my camera. Frankie can be a badass mofo sometimes”

FU. “Don’t bother. I already called CPS on myself”

Little piggy. “Oink! Ahh… it’s Saturday night, you are 40, your wife is watching some 48 hour mystery on the TV, and you have kids. What to do? Take future blackmail pics of your 3 year old for when she gets her first boyfriend (in like 20 years or so hopefully)”

Raise the Horns. “Frankie rocking the horns and a new cute as hell haircut”