Perfectly Camouflaged Log Cabin by Hans Linberg Looks Like a Pile of Firewood – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Perfectly Camouflaged Log Cabin by Hans Linberg Looks Like a Pile of Firewood

If you were walking through the woods and came across this looming in the distance, you would probably think that it was just a large stack of cut logs. From all angles, it seems like a normal pile of firewood. However, as you get closer, you’ll see that something doesn’t look quite right. It’s not just a bunch of logs, but something much, much better.

The cabin was designed by a man named Piet Hein Eek for Dutch performer, Hans Liberg (the man in the pictures). The outside is made of wood that is covering plastic and a steel frame, making the walls look like logs. Right now, the cabin is being used as a recording studio, but with this design, it could be used as a camping cabin or hunting blind.

Credits: Viralnova